', '\#', '\+', '\-', '\.', '\!'); foreach ($escape_sequences as $index => $escape_sequence) { if (strpos($text, $escape_sequence) !== FALSE) { $code = "\x1A".'\\'.$index; $text = str_replace($escape_sequence, $code, $text); $this->escape_sequence_map[$code] = $escape_sequence; } } } # Extracts link references. if (preg_match_all('/^[ ]{0,3}\[(.+)\][ ]?:[ ]*\n?[ ]*(.+)$/m', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $matches) { $this->reference_map[strtolower($matches[1])] = $matches[2]; $text = str_replace($matches[0], '', $text); } } # ~ $text = trim($text, "\n"); $text = preg_replace('/\n\s*\n/', "\n\n", $text); $text = $this->parse_lines($text); # Decodes escape sequences (leaves out backslashes). foreach ($this->escape_sequence_map as $code => $escape_sequence) { $text = str_replace($code, $escape_sequence[1], $text); } $text = rtrim($text, "\n"); return $text; } # # Private Methods # private function parse_lines($text, $context = null) { $lines = explode("\n", $text); $lines []= NULL; $line_count = count($lines); $markup = ''; foreach ($lines as $index => $line) { # Quick Line if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and $line[0] >= 'A') { $quick_line = $line; unset($line); } # Setext Heading (-) if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and isset($paragraph) and preg_match('/^[-]+[ ]*$/', $line)) { $setext_heading_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($paragraph); $markup .= '


'."\n"; unset($paragraph, $line); continue; } # Rule if (isset($line) and preg_match('/^[ ]{0,3}([-*_])([ ]{0,2}\1){2,}[ ]*$/', $line)) { $rule = true; unset($line); } elseif (isset($rule)) { $markup .= '
'."\n"; unset($rule); } # List # Unlike other types, consequent lines of type "list items" may not # belong to the same block. if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and preg_match('/^([ ]{0,3})(\d+[.]|[*+-])[ ](.*)/', $line, $matches)) # list item { $list_item_indentation = $matches[1]; $list_item_type = ($matches[2] === '-' or $matches[2] === '+' or $matches[2] === '*') ? 'ul' : 'ol'; if (isset($list_items)) # subsequent { if ($list_item_indentation === $list_indentation and $list_item_type === $list_type) { $list_items []= $list_item; $list_item = $matches[3]; } else { $list_item .= "\n".$line; } } else # first { $list_indentation = $list_item_indentation; $list_type = $list_item_type; $list_item = $matches[3]; $list_items = array(); } unset($line); } elseif (isset($list_items)) # incomplete list item { if (isset($line) and ($line === '' or $line[0] === ' ')) { $line and $line = preg_replace('/^[ ]{0,4}/', '', $line);; $list_item .= "\n".$line; unset($line); } else # line is consumed or does not belong to the list item { $list_item = rtrim($list_item, "\n"); $list_items []= $list_item; $markup .= '<'.$list_type.'>'."\n"; foreach ($list_items as $list_item) { $list_item_text = strpos($list_item, "\n") !== false ? $this->parse_lines($list_item, 'li') : $this->parse_inline_elements($list_item); $markup .= '
  • '.$list_item_text.'
  • '."\n"; } $markup .= ''."\n"; unset($list_items); } } # Code Block if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and preg_match('/^[ ]{4}(.*)/', $line, $matches)) { if (isset($code_block)) { $code_block .= "\n".$matches[1]; } else { $code_block = $matches[1]; } unset($line); } elseif (isset($code_block)) { if (isset($line) and $line === '') { $code_block .= "\n"; # ยป continue; } else { $code_block = rtrim($code_block); $code_block_text = htmlentities($code_block, ENT_NOQUOTES); # Decodes encoded escape sequences if present. strpos($code_block_text, "\x1A\\") !== FALSE and $code_block_text = strtr($code_block_text, $this->escape_sequence_map); $markup .= '
    '."\n"; unset($code_block); } } # Quote Block if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and preg_match('/^[ ]*>[ ]?(.*)/', $line, $matches)) { if (isset($blockquote)) { $blockquote .= "\n".$matches[1]; $blockquote_is_multiline = true; } else { $blockquote = $matches[1]; $blockquote_is_multiline = false; } unset($line); } elseif (isset($blockquote)) { if (isset($line) and $line === '') { $blockquote .= "\n"; $blockquote_is_multiline = true; } else { $blockquote = $blockquote_is_multiline ? $this->parse_lines($blockquote) : '


    '."\n"; $markup .= '
    '."\n"; unset($blockquote); } } # Atx Heading if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and $line[0] === '#' and preg_match('/^(#{1,6})[ ]*(.+?)[ ]*#*$/', $line, $matches)) { $atx_heading_level = strlen($matches[1]); $atx_heading = $this->parse_inline_elements($matches[2]); unset($line); } elseif (isset($atx_heading)) { $markup .= ''.$atx_heading.''."\n"; unset($atx_heading); } # Setext Heading (=) if (isset($line) and $line !== '' and isset($paragraph) and preg_match('/^[=]+[ ]*$/', $line)) { $setext_heading_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($paragraph); $markup .= '


    '."\n"; unset($paragraph, $line); continue; } # Paragraph if (isset($quick_line)) { $line = $quick_line; unset($quick_line); } if (isset($line) and $line !== '') { substr($line, -2) === ' ' and $line = substr_replace($line, '
    ', -2); if (isset($paragraph)) { $paragraph .= "\n".$line; } else { $paragraph = $line; } } elseif (isset($paragraph)) { $paragraph_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($paragraph); if ($context === 'li') { if ( ! $markup and $index + 1 === $line_count) { $text_is_simple = true; } else { $markup or $markup .= "\n"; } $markup .= isset($text_is_simple) ? $paragraph_text : '


    '."\n"; } else { $markup .= '


    '."\n"; } unset($paragraph); } } return $markup; } private function parse_inline_elements($text) { $map = array(); $index = 0; # Code Span if (strpos($text, '`') !== FALSE and preg_match_all('/`(.+?)`/', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $matches) { $element_text = $matches[1]; $element_text = htmlentities($element_text, ENT_NOQUOTES); # Decodes escape sequences. $this->escape_sequence_map and strpos($element_text, "\x1A") !== FALSE and $element_text = strtr($element_text, $this->escape_sequence_map); # Composes element. $element = ''.$element_text.''; # Encodes element. $code = "\x1A".'$'.$index; $text = str_replace($matches[0], $code, $text); $map[$code] = $element; $index ++; } } # Reference(d) Link / Image if ($this->reference_map and strpos($text, '[') !== FALSE and preg_match_all('/(!?)\[(.+?)\](?:\n?[ ]?\[(.*?)\])?/ms', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $matches) { $link_difinition = isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] ? $matches[3] : $matches[2]; # implicit $link_difinition = strtolower($link_difinition); if (isset($this->reference_map[$link_difinition])) { $url = $this->reference_map[$link_difinition]; if ($matches[1]) # image { $element = ''.$matches[2].''; } else # anchor { $element_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($matches[2]); $element = ''.$element_text.''; } # ~ $code = "\x1A".'$'.$index; $text = str_replace($matches[0], $code, $text); $map[$code] = $element; $index ++; } } } # Inline Link / Image if (strpos($text, '](') !== FALSE and preg_match_all('/(!?)(\[((?:[^][]+|(?2))*)\])\((.*?)\)/', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) # inline { foreach ($matches as $matches) { if ($matches[1]) # image { $element = ''.$matches[3].''; } else { $element_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($matches[3]); $element = ''.$element_text.''; } $element_text = $this->parse_inline_elements($matches[1]); # ~ $code = "\x1A".'$'.$index; $text = str_replace($matches[0], $code, $text); $map[$code] = $element; $index ++; } } if (strpos($text, '<') !== FALSE and preg_match_all('/<((https?|ftp|dict):[^\^\s]+?)>/i', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $matches) { $element = ':text'; $element = str_replace(':text', $matches[1], $element); $element = str_replace(':href', $matches[1], $element); # ~ $code = "\x1A".'$'.$index; $text = str_replace($matches[0], $code, $text); $map[$code] = $element; $index ++; } } if (strpos($text, '_') !== FALSE) { $text = preg_replace('/__(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)__/', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/_(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)_/', '$1', $text); } if (strpos($text, '*') !== FALSE) { $text = preg_replace('/\*\*(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)\*\*/', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\*(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)\*/', '$1', $text); } $text = strtr($text, $map); return $text; } }