breaks_enabled = $breaks_enabled; return $this; } private $breaks_enabled = false; # # Synopsis # # Markdown is intended to be easy-to-read by humans - those of us who read # line by line, left to right, top to bottom. In order to take advantage of # this, Parsedown tries to read in a similar way. It breaks texts into # lines, it iterates through them and it looks at how they start and relate # to each other. # # Methods # function parse($text) { # standardize line breaks $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text); $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text); # replace tabs with spaces $text = str_replace("\t", ' ', $text); # remove surrounding line breaks $text = trim($text, "\n"); # split text into lines $lines = explode("\n", $text); # iterate through lines to identify blocks $blocks = $this->find_blocks($lines); # iterate through blocks to build markup $markup = $this->compile($blocks); # trim line breaks $markup = trim($markup, "\n"); return $markup; } # # Private private function compile(array $blocks) { $markup = ''; foreach ($blocks as $block) { $markup .= "\n"; if (isset($block['name'])) { $markup .= '<'.$block['name']; if (isset($block['attributes'])) { foreach ($block['attributes'] as $name => $value) { $markup .= ' '.$name.'="'.$value.'"'; } } if ($block['content'] === null) { $markup .= ' />'; continue; } else { $markup .= '>'; } } switch ($block['content type']) { case 'markup': $markup .= $block['content']; break; case 'markdown': $markup .= $this->parse_span_elements($block['content']); break; case 'markdown lines': $result = $this->find_blocks($block['content'], $block['name']); if (is_string($result)) # dense li { $markup .= $this->parse_span_elements($result); break; } $markup .= $this->compile($result); break; case 'blocks': $markup .= $this->compile($block['content']); break; } if (isset($block['name'])) { $markup .= ''; } } $markup .= "\n"; return $markup; } private function find_blocks(array $lines, $block_context = null) { $block_tree = array(); $blocks = & $block_tree; $block = null; $context = null; $context_data = null; foreach ($lines as $line) { $indented_line = $line; $indentation = 0; while(isset($line[$indentation]) and $line[$indentation] === ' ') { $indentation++; } if ($indentation > 0) { $line = ltrim($line); } # ~ switch ($context) { case null: $context_data = null; if ($line === '') { continue 2; } break; # ~~~ javascript # var message = 'Hello!'; case 'fenced code': if ($line === '') { $block['content'][0]['content'] .= "\n"; continue 2; } if (preg_match('/^[ ]*'.$context_data['marker'].'{3,}[ ]*$/', $line)) { $context = null; } else { if ($block['content'][0]['content']) { $block['content'][0]['content'] .= "\n"; } $string = htmlspecialchars($line, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $block['content'][0]['content'] .= $string; } continue 2; case 'markup': if (stripos($line, $context_data['start']) !== false) # opening tag { $context_data['depth']++; } if (stripos($line, $context_data['end']) !== false) # closing tag { if ($context_data['depth'] > 0) { $context_data['depth']--; } else { $context = null; } } $block['content'] .= "\n".$indented_line; continue 2; case 'li': if ($line === '') { $context_data['interrupted'] = true; continue 2; } if ($context_data['indentation'] === $indentation and preg_match('/^'.$context_data['marker'].'[ ]+(.*)/', $line, $matches)) { if (isset($context_data['interrupted'])) { $nested_block['content'] []= ''; unset($context_data['interrupted']); } unset($nested_block); $nested_block = array( 'name' => 'li', 'content type' => 'markdown lines', 'content' => array( $matches[1], ), ); $block['content'] []= & $nested_block; continue 2; } if (empty($context_data['interrupted'])) { $value = $line; if ($indentation > $context_data['baseline']) { $value = str_repeat(' ', $indentation - $context_data['baseline']) . $value; } $nested_block['content'] []= $value; continue 2; } if ($indentation > 0) { $nested_block['content'] []= ''; $value = $line; if ($indentation > $context_data['baseline']) { $value = str_repeat(' ', $indentation - $context_data['baseline']) . $value; } $nested_block['content'] []= $value; unset($context_data['interrupted']); continue 2; } $context = null; break; case 'quote': if ($line === '') { $context_data['interrupted'] = true; continue 2; } if (preg_match('/^>[ ]?(.*)/', $line, $matches)) { $block['content'] []= $matches[1]; continue 2; } if (empty($context_data['interrupted'])) { $block['content'] []= $line; continue 2; } $context = null; break; case 'code': if ($line === '') { $context_data['interrupted'] = true; continue 2; } if ($indentation >= 4) { if (isset($context_data['interrupted'])) { $block['content'][0]['content'] .= "\n"; unset($context_data['interrupted']); } $block['content'][0]['content'] .= "\n"; $string = htmlspecialchars($line, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $string = str_repeat(' ', $indentation - 4) . $string; $block['content'][0]['content'] .= $string; continue 2; } $context = null; break; case 'paragraph': if ($line === '') { $block['name'] = 'p'; # dense li $context = null; continue 2; } if ($line[0] === '=' and chop($line, '=') === '') { $block['name'] = 'h1'; $context = null; continue 2; } if ($line[0] === '-' and chop($line, '-') === '') { $block['name'] = 'h2'; $context = null; continue 2; } break; default: throw new Exception('Unrecognized context - '.$context); } if ($indentation >= 4) { $blocks []= $block; $string = htmlspecialchars($line, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $string = str_repeat(' ', $indentation - 4) . $string; $block = array( 'name' => 'pre', 'content type' => 'blocks', 'content' => array( array( 'name' => 'code', 'content type' => 'markup', 'content' => $string, ), ), ); $context = 'code'; continue; } switch ($line[0]) { case '#': if (isset($line[1])) { $blocks []= $block; $level = 1; while (isset($line[$level]) and $line[$level] === '#') { $level++; } $string = trim($line, '# '); $string = $this->parse_span_elements($string); $block = array( 'name' => 'h'.$level, 'content type' => 'markdown', 'content' => $string, ); $context = null; continue 2; } break; case '<': $position = strpos($line, '>'); if ($position > 1) { $substring = substr($line, 1, $position - 1); $substring = chop($substring); if (substr($substring, -1) === '/') { $is_self_closing = true; $substring = substr($substring, 0, -1); } $position = strpos($substring, ' '); if ($position) { $name = substr($substring, 0, $position); } else { $name = $substring; } $name = strtolower($name); if ($name[0] == 'h' and strpos('r123456', $name[1]) !== false) # hr, h1, h2, ... { if ($name == 'hr') { $is_self_closing = true; } } elseif ( ! ctype_alpha($name)) { break; } if (in_array($name, self::$text_level_elements)) { break; } $blocks []= $block; $block = array( 'name' => null, 'content type' => 'markup', 'content' => $indented_line, ); if (isset($is_self_closing)) { unset($is_self_closing); continue 2; } $context = 'markup'; $context_data = array( 'start' => '<'.$name.'>', 'end' => '', 'depth' => 0, ); if (stripos($line, $context_data['end']) !== false) { $context = null; } continue 2; } break; case '>': if (preg_match('/^>[ ]?(.*)/', $line, $matches)) { $blocks []= $block; $block = array( 'name' => 'blockquote', 'content type' => 'markdown lines', 'content' => array( $matches[1], ), ); $context = 'quote'; $context_data = array(); continue 2; } break; case '[': $position = strpos($line, ']:'); if ($position) { $reference = array(); $label = substr($line, 1, $position - 1); $label = strtolower($label); $substring = substr($line, $position + 2); $substring = trim($substring); if ($substring === '') { break; } if ($substring[0] === '<') { $position = strpos($substring, '>'); if ($position === false) { break; } $reference['link'] = substr($substring, 1, $position - 1); $substring = substr($substring, $position + 1); } else { $position = strpos($substring, ' '); if ($position === false) { $reference['link'] = $substring; $substring = false; } else { $reference['link'] = substr($substring, 0, $position); $substring = substr($substring, $position + 1); } } if ($substring !== false) { if ($substring[0] !== '"' and $substring[0] !== "'" and $substring[0] !== '(') { break; } $last_char = substr($substring, -1); if ($last_char !== '"' and $last_char !== "'" and $last_char !== ')') { break; } $reference['title'] = substr($substring, 1, -1); } $this->reference_map[$label] = $reference; continue 2; } break; case '`': case '~': if (preg_match('/^([`]{3,}|[~]{3,})[ ]*(\w+)?[ ]*$/', $line, $matches)) { $blocks []= $block; $block = array( 'name' => 'pre', 'content type' => 'blocks', 'content' => array( array( 'name' => 'code', 'content type' => 'markup', 'content' => '', ), ), ); if (isset($matches[2])) { $block['content'][0]['attributes'] = array( 'class' => 'language-'.$matches[2], ); } $context = 'fenced code'; $context_data = array( 'marker' => $matches[1][0], ); continue 2; } break; case '-': case '*': case '_': if (preg_match('/^([-*_])([ ]{0,2}\1){2,}[ ]*$/', $line)) { $blocks []= $block; $block = array( 'name' => 'hr', 'content' => null, ); continue 2; } } switch (true) { case $line[0] <= '-' and preg_match('/^([*+-][ ]+)(.*)/', $line, $matches): case $line[0] <= '9' and preg_match('/^([0-9]+[.][ ]+)(.*)/', $line, $matches): $blocks []= $block; $name = $line[0] >= '0' ? 'ol' : 'ul'; $block = array( 'name' => $name, 'content type' => 'blocks', 'content' => array(), ); unset($nested_block); $nested_block = array( 'name' => 'li', 'content type' => 'markdown lines', 'content' => array( $matches[2], ), ); $block['content'] []= & $nested_block; $baseline = $indentation + strlen($matches[1]); $marker = $line[0] >= '0' ? '[0-9]+[.]' : '[*+-]'; $context = 'li'; $context_data = array( 'indentation' => $indentation, 'baseline' => $baseline, 'marker' => $marker, 'lines' => array( $matches[2], ), ); continue 2; } if ($context === 'paragraph') { $block['content'] .= "\n".$line; continue; } else { $blocks []= $block; $block = array( 'name' => 'p', 'content type' => 'markdown', 'content' => $line, ); if ($block_context === 'li' and empty($blocks[1])) { $block['name'] = null; } $context = 'paragraph'; } } if ($block_context === 'li' and $block['name'] === null) { return $block['content']; } $blocks []= $block; unset($blocks[0]); return $blocks; } private function parse_span_elements($text, $markers = array(" \n", '![', '&', '*', '<', '[', '\\', '_', '`', 'http', '~~')) { if (isset($text[1]) === false or $markers === array()) { return $text; } # ~ $markup = ''; while ($markers) { $closest_marker = null; $closest_marker_index = 0; $closest_marker_position = null; foreach ($markers as $index => $marker) { $marker_position = strpos($text, $marker); if ($marker_position === false) { unset($markers[$index]); continue; } if ($closest_marker === null or $marker_position < $closest_marker_position) { $closest_marker = $marker; $closest_marker_index = $index; $closest_marker_position = $marker_position; } } # ~ if ($closest_marker === null or isset($text[$closest_marker_position + 1]) === false) { $markup .= $text; break; } else { $markup .= substr($text, 0, $closest_marker_position); } $text = substr($text, $closest_marker_position); # ~ unset($markers[$closest_marker_index]); # ~ switch ($closest_marker) { case " \n": $markup .= '
'."\n"; $offset = 3; break; case '![': case '[': if (strpos($text, ']') and preg_match('/\[((?:[^][]|(?R))*)\]/', $text, $matches)) { $element = array( '!' => $text[0] === '!', 'text' => $matches[1], ); $offset = strlen($matches[0]); if ($element['!']) { $offset++; } $remaining_text = substr($text, $offset); if ($remaining_text[0] === '(' and preg_match('/\([ ]*(.*?)(?:[ ]+[\'"](.+?)[\'"])?[ ]*\)/', $remaining_text, $matches)) { $element['link'] = $matches[1]; if (isset($matches[2])) { $element['title'] = $matches[2]; } $offset += strlen($matches[0]); } elseif ($this->reference_map) { $reference = $element['text']; if (preg_match('/^\s*\[(.*?)\]/', $remaining_text, $matches)) { $reference = $matches[1] ? $matches[1] : $element['text']; $offset += strlen($matches[0]); } $reference = strtolower($reference); if (isset($this->reference_map[$reference])) { $element['link'] = $this->reference_map[$reference]['link']; if (isset($this->reference_map[$reference]['title'])) { $element['title'] = $this->reference_map[$reference]['title']; } } else { unset($element); } } else { unset($element); } } if (isset($element)) { $element['link'] = str_replace('&', '&', $element['link']); $element['link'] = str_replace('<', '<', $element['link']); if ($element['!']) { $markup .= ''.$element['text'].'parse_span_elements($element['text'], $markers); $markup .= ''; } unset($element); } else { $markup .= $closest_marker; $offset = $closest_marker === '![' ? 2 : 1; } break; case '&': if (preg_match('/^&#?\w+;/', $text, $matches)) { $markup .= $matches[0]; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= '&'; $offset = 1; } break; case '*': case '_': if ($text[1] === $closest_marker and preg_match(self::$strong_regex[$closest_marker], $text, $matches)) { $markers[] = $closest_marker; $matches[1] = $this->parse_span_elements($matches[1], $markers); $markup .= ''.$matches[1].''; } elseif (preg_match(self::$em_regex[$closest_marker], $text, $matches)) { $markers[] = $closest_marker; $matches[1] = $this->parse_span_elements($matches[1], $markers); $markup .= ''.$matches[1].''; } if (isset($matches) and $matches) { $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= $closest_marker; $offset = 1; } break; case '<': if (strpos($text, '>') !== false) { if ($text[1] === 'h' and preg_match('/^<(https?:[\/]{2}[^\s]+?)>/i', $text, $matches)) { $element_url = $matches[1]; $element_url = str_replace('&', '&', $element_url); $element_url = str_replace('<', '<', $element_url); $markup .= ''.$element_url.''; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } elseif (strpos($text, '@') > 1 and preg_match('/<(\S+?@\S+?)>/', $text, $matches)) { $markup .= ''.$matches[1].''; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } elseif (preg_match('/^<\/?\w.*?>/', $text, $matches)) { $markup .= $matches[0]; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= '<'; $offset = 1; } } else { $markup .= '<'; $offset = 1; } break; case '\\': if (in_array($text[1], self::$special_characters)) { $markup .= $text[1]; $offset = 2; } else { $markup .= '\\'; $offset = 1; } break; case '`': if (preg_match('/^(`+)[ ]*(.+?)[ ]*(?'.$element_text.''; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= '`'; $offset = 1; } break; case 'http': if (preg_match('/^https?:[\/]{2}[^\s]+\b\/*/ui', $text, $matches)) { $element_url = $matches[0]; $element_url = str_replace('&', '&', $element_url); $element_url = str_replace('<', '<', $element_url); $markup .= ''.$element_url.''; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= 'http'; $offset = 4; } break; case '~~': if (preg_match('/^~~(?=\S)(.+?)(?<=\S)~~/', $text, $matches)) { $matches[1] = $this->parse_span_elements($matches[1], $markers); $markup .= ''.$matches[1].''; $offset = strlen($matches[0]); } else { $markup .= '~~'; $offset = 2; } break; } if (isset($offset)) { $text = substr($text, $offset); } $markers[$closest_marker_index] = $closest_marker; } return $markup; } # # Fields # private $reference_map = array(); # # Read-only private static $strong_regex = array( '*' => '/^[*]{2}((?:[^*]|[*][^*]*[*])+?)[*]{2}(?![*])/s', '_' => '/^__((?:[^_]|_[^_]*_)+?)__(?!_)/us', ); private static $em_regex = array( '*' => '/^[*]((?:[^*]|[*][*][^*]+?[*][*])+?)[*](?![*])/s', '_' => '/^_((?:[^_]|__[^_]*__)+?)_(?!_)\b/us', ); private static $special_characters = array( '\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!', ); private static $text_level_elements = array( 'a', 'br', 'bdo', 'abbr', 'blink', 'nextid', 'acronym', 'basefont', 'b', 'em', 'big', 'cite', 'small', 'spacer', 'listing', 'i', 'rp', 'sub', 'code', 'strike', 'marquee', 'q', 'rt', 'sup', 'font', 'strong', 's', 'tt', 'var', 'mark', 'u', 'xm', 'wbr', 'nobr', 'ruby', 'span', 'time', ); }