As pasty is an open source project on GitHub you can open an [issue]( whenever you encounter a problem or feature request.
However, it may be annoying to open an issue just to ask a simple question about pastys functionalities, get help with the installation process or mention something about the hosted version.
| `PASTY_WEB_ADDRESS` | `:8080` | `string` | Defines the address the web server listens to |
| `PASTY_STORAGE_TYPE` | `file` | `string` | Defines the storage type the pastes are saved to |
| `PASTY_HASTEBIN_SUPPORT` | `false` | `bool` | Defines whether or not the `POST /documents` endpoint should be enabled, as known from the hastebin servers |
| `PASTY_ID_LENGTH` | `6` | `number` | Defines the length of the ID of a paste |
| `PASTY_ID_CHARACTERS` | `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789` | `string` | Defines the characters to use when generating paste IDs |
| `PASTY_MODIFICATION_TOKENS` | `true` | `bool` | Defines whether or not modification tokens should be generated |
| `PASTY_MODIFICATION_TOKEN_MASTER` | `<empty>` | `string` | Defines the master modification token which is authorized to modify every paste (even if modification tokens are disabled) |
| `PASTY_MODIFICATION_TOKEN_LENGTH` | `12` | `number` | Defines the length of the modification token of a paste |
| `PASTY_MODIFICATION_TOKEN_CHARACTERS` | `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789` | `string` | Defines the characters to use when generating modification tokens |
| `PASTY_RATE_LIMIT` | `30-M` | `string` | Defines the rate limit of the API (see |
| `PASTY_LENGTH_CAP` | `50000` | `number` | Defines the maximum amount of characters a paste is allowed to contain (a value `<= 0` means no limit) |
| `PASTY_REPORTS` | `false` | `bool` | Defines whether or not the report system should be enabled |
| `PASTY_REPORT_WEBHOOK` | `<empty>` | `string` | Defines the webhook URL that is called whenever a paste is reported |
| `PASTY_REPORT_WEBHOOK_TOKEN` | `<empty>` | `string` | Defines the token that is sent in the `Authorization` header on every request to the report webhook |
Pasty supports multiple storage types, defined using the `PASTY_STORAGE_TYPE` environment variable (use the value behind the corresponding title in this README).
Every single one of them has its own configuration variables:
| `PASTY_STORAGE_MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING` | `mongodb://pasty:pasty@localhost/pasty` | `string` | Defines the connection string to use for the MongoDB connection |
| `PASTY_STORAGE_MONGODB_DATABASE` | `pasty` | `string` | Defines the name of the database to use |
| `PASTY_STORAGE_MONGODB_COLLECTION` | `pastes` | `string` | Defines the name of the collection to use |