// Import the used modules import * as api from "./api.js"; import * as buttons from "./buttons.js"; import * as spinner from "./spinner.js"; import * as notifications from "./notifications.js"; // Set up the buttons buttons.setupButtons(); buttons.setupKeybinds(); // Define element handles const versionElement = document.getElementById("version"); const lineNOsElement = document.getElementById("linenos"); const codeElement = document.getElementById("code"); const inputElement = document.getElementById("input"); // Load the API information async function loadAPIInformation() { const response = await api.getAPIInformation(); if (!response.ok) { const data = await response.text(); notifications.error("Failed fetching the API information: " + data + ""); return; } const data = await response.json(); versionElement.innerText = data.version; } loadAPIInformation(); // Try to load a paste if one exists export let PASTE_ID; let CODE; async function loadPaste() { if (location.pathname !== "/") { // Define the paste ID and language const split = location.pathname.replace("/", "").split("."); const pasteID = split[0]; const language = split[1]; // Retrieve the paste from the API and redirect the user to the main page if it could not be found const response = await api.getPaste(pasteID); if (!response.ok) { location.replace(location.protocol + "//" + location.host); return; } CODE = (await response.json()).content; // Adjust the button states document.getElementById("btn_save").setAttribute("disabled", true); document.getElementById("btn_delete").removeAttribute("disabled"); document.getElementById("btn_copy").removeAttribute("disabled"); // Set the paste content to the DOM codeElement.innerHTML = language ? hljs.highlight(language, CODE).value : hljs.highlightAuto(CODE).value; // Display the line numbers lineNOsElement.innerHTML = CODE.split(/\n/).map((_, index) => `${index + 1}`).join(''); // Set the PASTE_ID variable PASTE_ID = pasteID; } else { inputElement.classList.remove("hidden"); inputElement.focus(); window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.keyCode != 9) return; event.preventDefault(); insertTextAtCursor(inputElement, " "); }); } } spinner.surround(loadPaste); // 1:1 skid from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7404366/how-do-i-insert-some-text-where-the-cursor-is function insertTextAtCursor(element, text) { let value = element.value, endIndex, range, doc = element.ownerDocument; if (typeof element.selectionStart == "number" && typeof element.selectionEnd == "number") { endIndex = element.selectionEnd; element.value = value.slice(0, endIndex) + text + value.slice(endIndex); element.selectionStart = element.selectionEnd = endIndex + text.length; } else if (doc.selection != "undefined" && doc.selection.createRange) { element.focus(); range = doc.selection.createRange(); range.collapse(false); range.text = text; range.select(); } }