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package web
import (
type Server struct {
// The address the web server should listen to.
Address string
// The storage driver to use.
Storage storage.Driver
// Whether the Hastebin support should be enabled.
// If this is set to 'false', the Hastebin specific endpoints will not be registered.
HastebinSupport bool
// The length of newly generated paste IDs.
PasteIDLength int
// The charset to use when generating new paste IDs.
PasteIDCharset string
// The maximum length of newly generated pastes.
PasteLengthCap int
// Whether modification tokens are enabled.
ModificationTokensEnabled bool
// The length of newly generated modification tokens.
ModificationTokenLength int
// The charset to use when generating new modification tokens.
ModificationTokenCharset string
// The administration tokens.
AdminTokens []string
func (server *Server) Start() error {
router := chi.NewRouter()
// Serve the web frontend
router.Get("/*", frontendHandler(router.NotFoundHandler()))
// Register the paste API endpoints
router.Get("/api/*", router.NotFoundHandler())
router.With(server.v2MiddlewareInjectPaste).Get("/api/v2/pastes/{paste_id}", server.v2EndpointGetPaste)
router.Post("/api/v2/pastes", server.v2EndpointCreatePaste)
router.With(server.v2MiddlewareInjectPaste, server.v2MiddlewareAuthorize).Patch("/api/v2/pastes/{paste_id}", server.v2EndpointModifyPaste)
router.Delete("/api/v2/pastes/{paste_id}", server.v2EndpointDeletePaste)
return http.ListenAndServe(server.Address, router)