2017-01-08 22:38:12 +03:00
/* globals casper, setPiskelFromGrid, piskelFrameEqualsGrid, isDrawerExpanded, getValue, isChecked, evalLine */
casper.test.begin('Test resize content works, and check the output', 18, function(test) {
test.timeout = test.fail.bind(test, ['Test timed out']);
function onTestStart() {
test.assertExists('#drawing-canvas-container canvas', 'Piskel ready, test starting');
// Setup test Piskel
setPiskelFromGrid('[[B, T],' +
' [T, B]]');
test.assert(!isDrawerExpanded(), 'settings drawer is closed');
test.assertDoesntExist('.settings-section-resize', 'Check if resize settings drawer is closed');
// Open resize panel.
this.waitForSelector('.settings-section-resize', onResizePanelReady, test.timeout, 10000);
function onResizePanelReady() {
test.assert(isDrawerExpanded(), 'settings drawer is expanded');
test.assertExists('.settings-section-resize', 'Check if resize panel is opened');
// Check resize inputs have the proper initial values
test.assertEquals(getValue('[name="resize-width"]'), "2", 'Resize width is 2px');
test.assertEquals(getValue('[name="resize-height"]'), "2", 'Resize height is 2px');
// Check that the resize ratio checkbox is available and checked.
test.assertExists('.resize-ratio-checkbox', 'Check if resize ratio checkbox is available');
test.assert(isChecked('.resize-ratio-checkbox'), 'Keep ratio checkbox is checked');
// Update width/height
casper.sendKeys('[name="resize-width"]', casper.page.event.key.Backspace);
casper.sendKeys('[name="resize-width"]', "4");
// Check resize inputs have the proper value
test.assertEquals(getValue('[name="resize-width"]'), "4", 'Resize width is 4px');
test.assertEquals(getValue('[name="resize-height"]'), "4", 'Resize height is 4px');
test.assertExists('.resize-content-checkbox', 'Check if resize ratio checkbox is available');
test.assert(!isChecked('.resize-content-checkbox'), 'Keep content checkbox is unchecked');
2017-01-16 02:52:48 +03:00
test.assertExists('.anchor-wrapper:not(.disabled)', 'Check the resize anchor widget is currently disabled');
2017-01-08 22:38:12 +03:00
2017-01-16 02:52:48 +03:00
// Enabling "Resize content" will disabled the resize anchor widget.
casper.waitForSelector('.anchor-wrapper.disabled', onResizeOriginDisabled, test.timeout, 10000);
2017-01-08 22:38:12 +03:00
function onResizeOriginDisabled() {
// Resizing the piskel should close the panel automatically
casper.waitForSelector('[data-pskl-controller="settings"]:not(.expanded)', onDrawerClosed, test.timeout, 10000);
function onDrawerClosed() {
test.assert(!isDrawerExpanded(), 'settings drawer is closed');
test.assertEquals(evalLine('pskl.app.piskelController.getPiskel().getWidth()'), 4, 'Piskel width is now 4 pixels');
test.assertEquals(evalLine('pskl.app.piskelController.getPiskel().getHeight()'), 4, 'Piskel height is now 4 pixels');
// Check that the piskel content has been resized.
[B, B, T, T], \
[B, B, T, T], \
[T, T, B, B], \
[T, T, B, B], \
]', 0, 0), 'Resized piskel content is as expected');
.then(function () {
this.echo("URL loaded");
this.waitForSelector('#drawing-canvas-container canvas', onTestStart, test.timeout, 10000);
.run(function () {
2017-01-08 22:43:15 +03:00