Image import is now triggering a popup after selecting the file.
Same for local saves.
Drag and drop of .piskel files opens the piskel immediately !
Remains to do :
- redesign the dialog for import image and browse local
- create dialog for recover session
- improve recover session to handle more than the last session
First commit :
Removed Local storage feature
Added 'download project' 'open project' options
First attempt at simplifying right panel.
To be continued ...
- new controller CursorCoordinatesController
- added div in right column (bottom:0)
- modified tools to fire events when necessary
The cursor coordinates are displayed when the mouse is hovering the
drawing area. When the mouse leaves the area, the indication disappears.
If the user is using a tool that involves dragging (selection, rectangle,
circle), the indicator displays the original coordinates (captured during
drag start) and the current coordinates.