+ piskel deserialization is now clearly asynchronous
+ added utils.Deserializer (not a singleton though, more a builder/loader)
+ utils.Deserializer constructor expects a callback
+ when all layers are loaded and piskel is ready, the callback provided by
the client is called with piskel as the first argument
- Deserializer doesn't fit in the utils package, which should be reserved
to singletons : can move it to service as a PiskelLoaderService, and
Deserializer could remain with only the purely static methods
- ImportController is realying on the Deserializer to build a Piskel but
it shouldn't. Find a way to mutualize the code necessary to create a
Piskel from an array of pskl.model.Frame
- still cleanup to do in app.js
- comments to add as well
- When imported 1 picture and then importing another one, the picture
preview was not cleaned and was displaying the two images side by side.
Fixed in ImportController.js
- Switched all double-quoted strings in ImportController to single-quoted
strings. Should enforce this using jshint
- Aligned all inputs in the import picture panel
- Renamed 'Preview :' import section to 'Info :'. Mostly it's to make it
shorter, but also I'd like to display additional information to the
right of the preview in the future.
- added pskl.controller.settings.ImportController (empty atm)
- moved SettingsController under settings namespace
- move settings templates in a dedicated folder
- created import icon (svg is in the resources folder)
- added import button in right-layer