// TODO(grosbouddha): put under pskl namespace. var Events = { TOOL_SELECTED : "TOOL_SELECTED", TOOL_RELEASED : "TOOL_RELEASED", SELECT_PRIMARY_COLOR: "SELECT_PRIMARY_COLOR", SELECT_SECONDARY_COLOR: "SELECT_SECONDARY_COLOR", /** * When this event is emitted, a request is sent to the localstorage * Service to save the current framesheet. The storage service * may not immediately store data (internal throttling of requests). */ LOCALSTORAGE_REQUEST: "LOCALSTORAGE_REQUEST", /** * Fired each time a user setting change. * The payload will be: * 1st argument: Name of the settings * 2nd argument: New value */ USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED: "USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED", CLOSE_SETTINGS_DRAWER : "CLOSE_SETTINGS_DRAWER", /** * The framesheet was reseted and is now probably drastically different. * Number of frames, content of frames, color used for the palette may have changed. */ PISKEL_RESET: "PISKEL_RESET", PISKEL_SAVED: "PISKEL_SAVED", FRAME_SIZE_CHANGED : "FRAME_SIZE_CHANGED", SELECTION_CREATED: "SELECTION_CREATED", SELECTION_MOVE_REQUEST: "SELECTION_MOVE_REQUEST", SELECTION_DISMISSED: "SELECTION_DISMISSED", SHOW_NOTIFICATION: "SHOW_NOTIFICATION", HIDE_NOTIFICATION: "HIDE_NOTIFICATION", ZOOM_CHANGED : "ZOOM_CHANGED" };