(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl"); ns.UserSettings = { GRID_WIDTH : 'GRID_WIDTH', MAX_FPS : 'MAX_FPS', CANVAS_BACKGROUND : 'CANVAS_BACKGROUND', SELECTED_PALETTE : 'SELECTED_PALETTE', TILED_PREVIEW : 'TILED_PREVIEW', ONION_SKIN : 'ONION_SKIN', LAYER_PREVIEW : 'LAYER_PREVIEW', KEY_TO_DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP_ : { 'GRID_WIDTH' : 0, 'MAX_FPS' : 24, 'CANVAS_BACKGROUND' : 'lowcont-dark-canvas-background', 'SELECTED_PALETTE' : Constants.CURRENT_COLORS_PALETTE_ID, 'TILED_PREVIEW' : false, 'ONION_SKIN' : false, 'LAYER_PREVIEW' : true }, /** * @private */ cache_ : {}, /** * Static method to access a user defined settings value ot its default * value if not defined yet. */ get : function (key) { this.checkKeyValidity_(key); if (!(key in this.cache_)) { var storedValue = this.readFromLocalStorage_(key); if (typeof storedValue !== 'undefined' && storedValue !== null) { this.cache_[key] = storedValue; } else { this.cache_[key] = this.readFromDefaults_(key); } } return this.cache_[key]; }, set : function (key, value) { this.checkKeyValidity_(key); this.cache_[key] = value; this.writeToLocalStorage_(key, value); $.publish(Events.USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED, [key, value]); }, /** * @private */ readFromLocalStorage_ : function(key) { var value = window.localStorage[key]; if (typeof value != "undefined") { value = JSON.parse(value); } return value; }, /** * @private */ writeToLocalStorage_ : function(key, value) { // TODO(grosbouddha): Catch storage exception here. window.localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value); }, /** * @private */ readFromDefaults_ : function (key) { return this.KEY_TO_DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP_[key]; }, /** * @private */ checkKeyValidity_ : function(key) { if(!(key in this.KEY_TO_DEFAULT_VALUE_MAP_)) { // TODO(grosbouddha): Define error catching strategy and throw exception from here. console.log("UserSettings key <"+ key +"> not find in supported keys."); } } }; })();