(function () { var ns = $.namespace('pskl.rendering'); ns.AbstractRenderer = function () {}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.clear = function () {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.getCoordinates = function (x, y) {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.setGridEnabled = function (b) {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.isGridEnabled = function () {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.setZoom = function (zoom) {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.getZoom = function () {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.moveOffset = function (x, y) {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.getOffset = function () {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.setDisplaySize = function (w, h) {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; ns.AbstractRenderer.prototype.getDisplaySize = function () {throw 'abstract method should be implemented';}; })();