(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl.model"); ns.Frame = function (pixels) { this.pixels = pixels; this.previousStates = [this.getPixels()]; this.stateIndex = 0; }; ns.Frame.createEmpty = function (width, height) { var pixels = []; //new Array(width); for (var columnIndex=0; columnIndex < width; columnIndex++) { var columnArray = []; for(var heightIndex = 0; heightIndex < height; heightIndex++) { columnArray.push(Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR); } pixels[columnIndex] = columnArray; } return new ns.Frame(pixels); }; ns.Frame.createEmptyFromFrame = function (frame) { return ns.Frame.createEmpty(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()); }; ns.Frame.prototype.clone = function () { return new ns.Frame(this._clonePixels()); }; /** * Returns a copy of the pixels used by the frame */ ns.Frame.prototype.getPixels = function () { return this.clonePixels_(this.pixels) }; /** * Copies the passed pixels into the frame. */ ns.Frame.prototype.setPixels = function (pixels) { this.pixels = this.clonePixels_(pixels); }; /** * Clone a set of pixels. Should be static utility method * @private */ ns.Frame.prototype.clonePixels_ = function (pixels) { var clonedPixels = []; for (var col = 0 ; col < pixels.length ; col++) { clonedPixels[col] = pixels[col].slice(0 , this.getHeight()); } return clonedPixels; }; ns.Frame.prototype.serialize = function () { return JSON.stringify(this.pixels); }; ns.Frame.prototype.setPixel = function (col, row, color) { this.pixels[col][row] = color; }; ns.Frame.prototype.getPixel = function (col, row) { return this.pixels[col][row]; }; ns.Frame.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this.pixels.length; }; ns.Frame.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this.pixels[0].length; }; ns.Frame.prototype.containsPixel = function (col, row) { return col >= 0 && row >= 0 && col < this.pixels.length && row < this.pixels[0].length; }; ns.Frame.prototype.saveState = function () { // remove all states past current state this.previousStates.length = this.stateIndex + 1; // push new state this.previousStates.push(this.getPixels()); // set the stateIndex to latest saved state this.stateIndex = this.previousStates.length - 1; }; ns.Frame.prototype.loadPreviousState = function () { if (this.stateIndex > 0) { this.stateIndex--; this.setPixels(this.previousStates[this.stateIndex]); } }; ns.Frame.prototype.loadNextState = function () { if (this.stateIndex < this.previousStates.length - 1) { this.stateIndex++; this.setPixels(this.previousStates[this.stateIndex]); } }; })();