(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl.rendering"); ns.CanvasRenderer = function (frame, dpi) { this.frame = frame; this.dpi = dpi; this.transparentColor_ = 'white'; }; /** * Decide which color should be used to represent transparent pixels * Default : white * @param {String} color the color to use either as '#ABCDEF' or 'red' or 'rgb(x,y,z)' or 'rgba(x,y,z,a)' */ ns.CanvasRenderer.prototype.drawTransparentAs = function (color) { this.transparentColor_ = color; }; ns.CanvasRenderer.prototype.render = function () { var canvas = this.createCanvas_(); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); for(var col = 0, width = this.frame.getWidth(); col < width; col++) { for(var row = 0, height = this.frame.getHeight(); row < height; row++) { var color = this.frame.getPixel(col, row); this.renderPixel_(color, col, row, context); } } return context; }; ns.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderPixel_ = function (color, col, row, context) { if(color == Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR) { color = this.transparentColor_; } context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(col * this.dpi, row * this.dpi, this.dpi, this.dpi); }; ns.CanvasRenderer.prototype.createCanvas_ = function () { var width = this.frame.getWidth() * this.dpi; var height = this.frame.getHeight() * this.dpi; return pskl.CanvasUtils.createCanvas(width, height); }; })();