describe("SelectionManager suite", function() { var black = '#000000'; var red = '#ff0000'; var transparent = Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR; var B = black, R = red, T = transparent; // shortcuts var toFrameGrid = test.testutils.toFrameGrid; var frameEqualsGrid = test.testutils.frameEqualsGrid; // test objects var selectionManager; var selection; var currentFrame; /** * @Mock */ = { addShortcut : function () {} }; /** * @Mock */ var piskelController = { getCurrentFrame : function () { return currentFrame; } }; beforeEach(function() { currentFrame = pskl.model.Frame.fromPixelGrid([ [B, R, T], [R, B, R], [T, R, B] ]); selectionManager = new pskl.selection.SelectionManager(piskelController); selectionManager.init(); selection = new pskl.selection.BaseSelection(); selection.pixels = []; }); /** * Check a basic copy paste scenario */ it("copy/paste OK", function () { console.log('[SelectionManager] copy/paste OK'); selectMiddleLine(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... copy'); selectionManager.copy(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check selection content after copy contains correct colors'); expect(selection.pixels.length).toBe(3); // or not to be ... lalalala ... french-only joke \o/ checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 0, R); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 1, B); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 2, R); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... move 1 row down'); selection.move(0, 1); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check pixels were shifted by two columns forward'); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 2, 0, R); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 2, 1, B); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 2, 2, R); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... paste'); selectionManager.paste(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check last line is identical to middle line after paste'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [R, B, R], [R, B, R] ]); }); /** * Check a basic cut paste scenario */ it("cut OK", function () { console.log('[SelectionManager] cut OK'); selectMiddleLine(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... cut'); selectionManager.cut(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check middle line was cut in the source frame'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [T, T, T], [T, R, B] ]); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... paste'); selectionManager.paste(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check middle line was restored by paste'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [R, B, R], [T, R, B] ]); }); /** * Check a copy paste scenario that goes out of the frame boundaries for copying and for pasting. */ it("copy/paste OK out of bounds", function () { console.log('[SelectionManager] copy/paste OK out of bounds'); selectMiddleLine(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... move 2 columns to the right'); selection.move(2, 0); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... copy out of bounds'); selectionManager.copy(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check out of bound pixels were replaced by transparent pixels'); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 2, R); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 3, T); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 4, T); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... move one column to the left'); selection.move(-1, 0); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check pixels were shifted by one column back'); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 1, R); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 2, T); checkContainsPixel(selection.pixels, 1, 3, T); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... paste out of bounds'); selectionManager.paste(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check pixel at (1,1) is red after paste'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [R, R, R], [T, R, B] ]); }); /** * Check a cut paste scenario that goes out of the frame boundaries for cutting and for pasting. */ it("cut OK out of bounds", function () { console.log('[SelectionManager] cut OK'); selectMiddleLine(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... move 2 columns to the right'); selection.move(2, 0); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... cut out of bounds'); selectionManager.cut(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check last pixel of midle line was cut in the source frame'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [R, B, T], [T, R, B] ]); selection.move(-1, 0); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... paste out of bounds'); selectionManager.paste(); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... check middle line final state'); frameEqualsGrid(currentFrame, [ [B, R, T], [R, R, T], [T, R, B] ]); }); // Private helpers var createPixel = function(row, col, color) { return { row : row, col : col, color : color }; }; var selectMiddleLine = function () { console.log('[SelectionManager] ... select middle line'); selection.pixels.push(createPixel(1, 0)); selection.pixels.push(createPixel(1, 1)); selection.pixels.push(createPixel(1, 2)); expect(selectionManager.currentSelection).toBe(null); console.log('[SelectionManager] ... send SELECTION_CREATED event for the test selection'); $.publish(Events.SELECTION_CREATED, [selection]); expect(selectionManager.currentSelection).toBe(selection); }; var checkContainsPixel = function (pixels, row, col, color) { var containsPixel = pixels.some(function (pixel) { return pixel.row == row && pixel.col == col && pixel.color == color; }); expect(containsPixel).toBe(true); }; });