(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl.controller"); ns.DrawingController = function (framesheet, container) { /** * @public */ this.framesheet = framesheet; /** * @public */ this.overlayFrame = pskl.model.Frame.createEmptyFromFrame(framesheet.getCurrentFrame()); /** * @private */ this.container = container; // TODO(vincz): Store user prefs in a localstorage string ? var renderingOptions = { "dpi": this.calculateDPI_(), "hasGrid" : true }; this.renderer = new pskl.rendering.FrameRenderer(this.container, renderingOptions, "drawing-canvas"); this.overlayRenderer = new pskl.rendering.FrameRenderer(this.container, renderingOptions, "canvas-overlay"); this.renderer.init(framesheet.getCurrentFrame()); this.overlayRenderer.init(this.overlayFrame); // State of drawing controller: this.isClicked = false; this.isRightClicked = false; this.previousMousemoveTime = 0; this.currentToolBehavior = null; this.primaryColor = Constants.DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR; this.secondaryColor = Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR; this.initMouseBehavior(); $.subscribe(Events.TOOL_SELECTED, $.proxy(function(evt, toolBehavior) { console.log("Tool selected: ", toolBehavior); this.currentToolBehavior = toolBehavior; }, this)); /** * TODO(grosbouddha): Primary/secondary color state are kept in this general controller. * Find a better place to store that. Perhaps PaletteController? */ $.subscribe(Events.PRIMARY_COLOR_SELECTED, $.proxy(function(evt, color) { console.log("Primary color selected: ", color); this.primaryColor = color; $.publish(Events.PRIMARY_COLOR_UPDATED, [color]); }, this)); $.subscribe(Events.SECONDARY_COLOR_SELECTED, $.proxy(function(evt, color) { console.log("Secondary color selected: ", color); this.secondaryColor = color; $.publish(Events.SECONDARY_COLOR_UPDATED, [color]); }, this)); $(window).resize($.proxy(this.startDPIUpdateTimer_, this)); $.subscribe(Events.FRAME_SIZE_CHANGED, $.proxy(this.updateDPI_, this)); $.subscribe(Events.GRID_DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGED, $.proxy(this.forceRendering_, this)); }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.initMouseBehavior = function() { var body = $('body'); this.container.mousedown($.proxy(this.onMousedown_, this)); this.container.mousemove($.proxy(this.onMousemove_, this)); body.mouseup($.proxy(this.onMouseup_, this)); // Deactivate right click: body.contextmenu(this.onCanvasContextMenu_); }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.startDPIUpdateTimer_ = function () { if (this.dpiUpdateTimer) window.clearInterval(this.dpiUpdateTimer); this.dpiUpdateTimer = window.setTimeout($.proxy(this.updateDPI_, this), 200); }, /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.onMousedown_ = function (event) { this.isClicked = true; if(event.button == 2) { // right click this.isRightClicked = true; $.publish(Events.CANVAS_RIGHT_CLICKED); } var coords = this.getSpriteCoordinates(event); this.currentToolBehavior.applyToolAt( coords.col, coords.row, this.getCurrentColor_(), this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame(), this.overlayFrame, this.wrapEvtInfo_(event) ); $.publish(Events.LOCALSTORAGE_REQUEST); }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.onMousemove_ = function (event) { var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); // Throttling of the mousemove event: if ((currentTime - this.previousMousemoveTime) > 40 ) { var coords = this.getSpriteCoordinates(event); if (this.isClicked) { this.currentToolBehavior.moveToolAt( coords.col, coords.row, this.getCurrentColor_(), this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame(), this.overlayFrame, this.wrapEvtInfo_(event) ); // TODO(vincz): Find a way to move that to the model instead of being at the interaction level. // Eg when drawing, it may make sense to have it here. However for a non drawing tool, // you don't need to draw anything when mousemoving and you request useless localStorage. $.publish(Events.LOCALSTORAGE_REQUEST); } else { this.currentToolBehavior.moveUnactiveToolAt( coords.col, coords.row, this.getCurrentColor_(), this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame(), this.overlayFrame, this.wrapEvtInfo_(event) ); } this.previousMousemoveTime = currentTime; } }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.onMouseup_ = function (event) { if(this.isClicked || this.isRightClicked) { // A mouse button was clicked on the drawing canvas before this mouseup event, // the user was probably drawing on the canvas. // Note: The mousemove movement (and the mouseup) may end up outside // of the drawing canvas. this.isClicked = false; this.isRightClicked = false; var coords = this.getSpriteCoordinates(event); //console.log("mousemove: col: " + spriteCoordinate.col + " - row: " + spriteCoordinate.row); this.currentToolBehavior.releaseToolAt( coords.col, coords.row, this.getCurrentColor_(), this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame(), this.overlayFrame, this.wrapEvtInfo_(event) ); $.publish(Events.TOOL_RELEASED); } }, /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.wrapEvtInfo_ = function (event) { var evtInfo = {}; if (event.button == 0) { evtInfo.button = Constants.LEFT_BUTTON; } else if (event.button == 2) { evtInfo.button = Constants.RIGHT_BUTTON; } return evtInfo; }, /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.getRelativeCoordinates = function (clientX, clientY) { var canvasPageOffset = this.container.offset(); return { x : clientX - canvasPageOffset.left, y : clientY - canvasPageOffset.top }; }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.getSpriteCoordinates = function(event) { var coords = this.getRelativeCoordinates(event.clientX, event.clientY); return this.renderer.convertPixelCoordinatesIntoSpriteCoordinate(coords); }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.getCurrentColor_ = function () { if(this.isRightClicked) { return this.secondaryColor; } else { return this.primaryColor; } }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.onCanvasContextMenu_ = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.cancelBubble = true; return false; }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.render = function () { this.renderFrame(); this.renderOverlay(); }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.renderFrame = function () { var frame = this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame(); var serializedFrame = frame.serialize(); if (this.serializedFrame != serializedFrame) { if (!frame.isSameSize(this.overlayFrame)) { this.overlayFrame = pskl.model.Frame.createEmptyFromFrame(frame); } this.serializedFrame = serializedFrame; this.renderer.render(frame); } }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.renderOverlay = function () { var serializedOverlay = this.overlayFrame.serialize(); if (this.serializedOverlay != serializedOverlay) { this.serializedOverlay = serializedOverlay; this.overlayRenderer.render(this.overlayFrame); } }; ns.DrawingController.prototype.forceRendering_ = function () { this.serializedFrame = this.serializedOverlay = null; }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.calculateDPI_ = function() { var userMessageGap = 80; // Reserve some height to show the user message at the bottom var availableViewportHeight = $('.main-panel').height() - userMessageGap, availableViewportWidth = $('.main-panel').width(), previewHeight = $(".preview-container").height(), previewWidth = $(".preview-container").width(), framePixelHeight = this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame().getHeight(), framePixelWidth = this.framesheet.getCurrentFrame().getWidth(); var dpi = pskl.PixelUtils.calculateDPI(availableViewportHeight, availableViewportWidth, framePixelHeight, framePixelWidth); var drawingCanvasHeight = dpi * framePixelHeight; var drawingCanvasWidth = dpi * framePixelWidth; // Check if preview and drawing canvas overlap var heightGap = drawingCanvasHeight + previewHeight - availableViewportHeight, widthGap = drawingCanvasWidth + previewWidth - availableViewportWidth; if (heightGap > 0 && widthGap > 0) { // Calculate the DPI change needed to bridge height and width gap var gapDPI = pskl.PixelUtils.calculateDPI(heightGap, widthGap, framePixelHeight, framePixelWidth); // substract gap dpi to initial dpi dpi -= (gapDPI + 1); } return dpi; }; /** * @private */ ns.DrawingController.prototype.updateDPI_ = function() { var dpi = this.calculateDPI_(); this.renderer.updateDPI(dpi); this.overlayRenderer.updateDPI(dpi); this.forceRendering_(); }; })();