(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl.rendering.frame"); /** * FrameRenderer will display a given frame inside a canvas element. * @param {HtmlElement} container HtmlElement to use as parentNode of the Frame * @param {Object} renderingOptions * @param {Array} classes array of strings to use for css classes */ ns.FrameRenderer = function (container, renderingOptions, classes) { this.defaultRenderingOptions = { 'supportGridRendering' : false, 'zoom' : 1 }; renderingOptions = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaultRenderingOptions, renderingOptions); if(container === undefined) { throw 'Bad FrameRenderer initialization. undefined.'; } if(isNaN(renderingOptions.zoom)) { throw 'Bad FrameRenderer initialization. not well defined.'; } this.container = container; this.zoom = renderingOptions.zoom; this.offset = { x : 0, y : 0 }; this.margin = { x : 0, y : 0 }; this.isGridEnabled_ = false; this.supportGridRendering = renderingOptions.supportGridRendering; this.classes = classes || []; this.classes.push('canvas'); /** * Off dom canvas, will be used to draw the frame at 1:1 ratio * @type {HTMLElement} */ this.canvas = null; /** * Displayed canvas, scaled-up from the offdom canvas * @type {HTMLElement} */ this.displayCanvas = null; this.setDisplaySize(renderingOptions.width, renderingOptions.height); this.setGridEnabled(pskl.UserSettings.get(pskl.UserSettings.SHOW_GRID)); this.updateBackgroundClass_(pskl.UserSettings.get(pskl.UserSettings.CANVAS_BACKGROUND)); $.subscribe(Events.USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED, $.proxy(this.onUserSettingsChange_, this)); }; pskl.utils.inherit(pskl.rendering.frame.FrameRenderer, pskl.rendering.AbstractRenderer); ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.render = function (frame) { if (frame) { this.clear(); this.renderFrame_(frame); } }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.clear = function () { pskl.CanvasUtils.clear(this.canvas); pskl.CanvasUtils.clear(this.displayCanvas); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.setZoom = function (zoom) { // back up center coordinates var centerX = this.offset.x + (this.displayWidth/(2*this.zoom)); var centerY = this.offset.y + (this.displayHeight/(2*this.zoom)); this.zoom = Math.max(1, zoom); // recenter this.setOffset( centerX - (this.displayWidth/(2*this.zoom)), centerY - (this.displayHeight/(2*this.zoom)) ); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getZoom = function () { return this.zoom; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.setDisplaySize = function (width, height) { this.displayWidth = width; this.displayHeight = height; if (this.displayCanvas) { $(this.displayCanvas).remove(); this.displayCanvas = null; } this.createDisplayCanvas_(); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getDisplaySize = function () { return { height : this.displayHeight, width : this.displayWidth }; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getOffset = function () { return { x : this.offset.x, y : this.offset.y }; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.moveOffset = function (x, y) { this.setOffset(this.offset.x + x, this.offset.y + y); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.setOffset = function (x, y) { // TODO : provide frame size information to the FrameRenderer constructor // here I first need to verify I have a 'canvas' which I can use to infer the frame information // and then perform my boundaries checking. This sucks if (this.canvas) { var maxX = this.canvas.width - (this.displayWidth/this.zoom); x = pskl.utils.Math.minmax(x, 0, maxX); var maxY = this.canvas.height - (this.displayHeight/this.zoom); y = pskl.utils.Math.minmax(y, 0, maxY); } this.offset.x = x; this.offset.y = y; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.setGridEnabled = function (flag) { this.isGridEnabled_ = flag && this.supportGridRendering; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.isGridEnabled = function () { return this.isGridEnabled_; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.updateMargins_ = function () { var deltaX = this.displayWidth - (this.zoom * this.canvas.width); this.margin.x = Math.max(0, deltaX) / 2; var deltaY = this.displayHeight - (this.zoom * this.canvas.height); this.margin.y = Math.max(0, deltaY) / 2; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.createDisplayCanvas_ = function () { var height = this.displayHeight; var width = this.displayWidth; this.displayCanvas = pskl.CanvasUtils.createCanvas(width, height, this.classes); if (true || this.zoom > 2) { pskl.CanvasUtils.disableImageSmoothing(this.displayCanvas); } this.container.append(this.displayCanvas); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.onUserSettingsChange_ = function (evt, settingName, settingValue) { if(settingName == pskl.UserSettings.SHOW_GRID) { this.setGridEnabled(settingValue); } else if (settingName == pskl.UserSettings.CANVAS_BACKGROUND) { this.updateBackgroundClass_(settingValue); } }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.updateBackgroundClass_ = function (newClass) { var currentClass = this.container.data('current-background-class'); if (currentClass) { this.container.removeClass(currentClass); } this.container.addClass(newClass); this.container.data('current-background-class', newClass); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.renderPixel_ = function (color, x, y, context) { if(color != Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } }; /** * Transform a screen pixel-based coordinate (relative to the top-left corner of the rendered * frame) into a sprite coordinate in column and row. * @public */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getCoordinates = function(x, y) { var containerOffset = this.container.offset(); x = x - containerOffset.left; y = y - containerOffset.top; // apply margins x = x - this.margin.x; y = y - this.margin.y; var cellSize = this.zoom; // apply frame offset x = x + this.offset.x * cellSize; y = y + this.offset.y * cellSize; return { x : (x / cellSize) | 0, y : (y / cellSize) | 0 }; }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.renderFrame_ = function (frame) { if (!this.canvas || frame.getWidth() != this.canvas.width || frame.getHeight() != this.canvas.height) { this.canvas = pskl.CanvasUtils.createCanvas(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()); } var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); for(var x = 0, width = frame.getWidth(); x < width; x++) { for(var y = 0, height = frame.getHeight(); y < height; y++) { var color = frame.getPixel(x, y); this.renderPixel_(color, x, y, context); } } this.updateMargins_(); context = this.displayCanvas.getContext('2d'); context.save(); if (this.canvas.width*this.zoom < this.displayCanvas.width) { context.fillStyle = Constants.ZOOMED_OUT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; context.fillRect(0,0,this.displayCanvas.width, this.displayCanvas.height); } context.translate( this.margin.x-this.offset.x*this.zoom, this.margin.y-this.offset.y*this.zoom ); context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width*this.zoom, this.canvas.height*this.zoom); var isIE10 = pskl.utils.UserAgent.isIE && pskl.utils.UserAgent.version === 10; if (this.isGridEnabled() || isIE10) { var gridWidth = this.isGridEnabled() ? Constants.GRID_STROKE_WIDTH : 0; var scaled = pskl.utils.ImageResizer.resizeNearestNeighbour(this.canvas, this.zoom, gridWidth); context.drawImage(scaled, 0, 0); } else { context.scale(this.zoom, this.zoom); context.drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0); } context.restore(); }; })();