(function () { var ns = $.namespace("pskl.rendering"); ns.FrameRenderer = function (container, renderingOptions, className) { this.defaultRenderingOptions = { 'supportGridRendering' : false }; renderingOptions = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaultRenderingOptions, renderingOptions); if(container === undefined) { throw 'Bad FrameRenderer initialization. undefined.'; } if(isNaN(renderingOptions.dpi)) { throw 'Bad FrameRenderer initialization. not well defined.'; } this.container = container; this.dpi = renderingOptions.dpi; this.className = className; this.canvas = null; this.supportGridRendering = renderingOptions.supportGridRendering; this.enableGrid(pskl.UserSettings.get(pskl.UserSettings.SHOW_GRID)); // Flag to know if the config was altered this.canvasConfigDirty = true; this.updateBackgroundClass_(pskl.UserSettings.get(pskl.UserSettings.CANVAS_BACKGROUND)); $.subscribe(Events.USER_SETTINGS_CHANGED, $.proxy(this.onUserSettingsChange_, this)); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.init = function (frame) { this.render(frame); this.lastRenderedFrame = frame; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.updateDPI = function (newDPI) { this.dpi = newDPI; this.canvasConfigDirty = true; }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.onUserSettingsChange_ = function (evt, settingName, settingValue) { if(settingName == pskl.UserSettings.SHOW_GRID) { this.enableGrid(settingValue); } else if (settingName == pskl.UserSettings.CANVAS_BACKGROUND) { this.updateBackgroundClass_(settingValue); } }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.updateBackgroundClass_ = function (newClass) { var currentClass = this.container.data('current-background-class'); if (currentClass) { this.container.removeClass(currentClass); } this.container.addClass(newClass); this.container.data('current-background-class', newClass); }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.enableGrid = function (flag) { this.gridStrokeWidth = (flag && this.supportGridRendering) ? Constants.GRID_STROKE_WIDTH : 0; this.canvasConfigDirty = true; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.render = function (frame) { this.clear(frame); var context = this.getCanvas_(frame).getContext('2d'); for(var col = 0, width = frame.getWidth(); col < width; col++) { for(var row = 0, height = frame.getHeight(); row < height; row++) { var color = frame.getPixel(col, row); this.renderPixel_(color, col, row, context); } } this.lastRenderedFrame = frame; }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.renderPixel_ = function (color, col, row, context) { if(color != Constants.TRANSPARENT_COLOR) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(this.getFramePos_(col), this.getFramePos_(row), this.dpi, this.dpi); } }; ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.clear = function (frame) { var canvas = this.getCanvas_(frame); canvas.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); }; /** * Transform a screen pixel-based coordinate (relative to the top-left corner of the rendered * frame) into a sprite coordinate in column and row. * @public */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.convertPixelCoordinatesIntoSpriteCoordinate = function(coords) { var cellSize = this.dpi + this.gridStrokeWidth; return { "col" : (coords.x - coords.x % cellSize) / cellSize, "row" : (coords.y - coords.y % cellSize) / cellSize }; }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getFramePos_ = function(index) { return index * this.dpi + ((index - 1) * this.gridStrokeWidth); }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.drawGrid_ = function(canvas, width, height, col, row) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.lineWidth = Constants.GRID_STROKE_WIDTH; ctx.strokeStyle = Constants.GRID_STROKE_COLOR; for(var c=1; c < col; c++) { ctx.moveTo(this.getFramePos_(c), 0); ctx.lineTo(this.getFramePos_(c), height); ctx.stroke(); } for(var r=1; r < row; r++) { ctx.moveTo(0, this.getFramePos_(r)); ctx.lineTo(width, this.getFramePos_(r)); ctx.stroke(); } }; /** * @private */ ns.FrameRenderer.prototype.getCanvas_ = function (frame) { if(this.canvasConfigDirty) { $(this.canvas).remove(); var col = frame.getWidth(), row = frame.getHeight(); var pixelWidth = col * this.dpi + this.gridStrokeWidth * (col - 1); var pixelHeight = row * this.dpi + this.gridStrokeWidth * (row - 1); var classes = ['canvas']; if (this.className) { classes.push(this.className); } var canvas = pskl.CanvasUtils.createCanvas(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, classes); this.container.append(canvas); if(this.gridStrokeWidth > 0) { this.drawGrid_(canvas, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, col, row); } this.canvas = canvas; this.canvasConfigDirty = false; } return this.canvas; }; })();