module.exports = function(grunt) { // Update this variable if you don't want or can't serve on localhost var hostname = 'localhost'; // create a version based on the build timestamp var dateFormat = require('dateformat'); var version = '-' + dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-mm-dd-hh-MM"); /** * Helper to prefix all strings in provided array with the provided path */ var prefixPaths = function (paths, prefix) { return (path) { return prefix + path; }); }; // get the list of scripts paths to include var scriptPaths = require('./src/piskel-script-list.js').scripts; var piskelScripts = prefixPaths(scriptPaths, "src/").filter(function (path) { return path.indexOf('devtools') === -1; }); // get the list of styles paths to include var stylePaths = require('./src/piskel-style-list.js').styles; var piskelStyles = prefixPaths(stylePaths, "src/"); var getCasperConfig = function (suiteName, delay, host) { var testPaths = require('./test/casperjs/' + suiteName).tests; var tests = prefixPaths(testPaths, "test/casperjs/"); return { filesSrc : tests, options : { args : { baseUrl : 'http://' + host + ':' + '<%= express.test.options.port %>/', mode : '?debug', delay : delay }, async : false, direct : false, logLevel : 'info', printCommand : false, printFilePaths : true } }; }; var getExpressConfig = function (sourceFolders, port, host) { if (typeof sourceFolders === 'string') { sourceFolders = [sourceFolders]; } return { options: { port: port, hostname : host, bases: sourceFolders } }; }; // load all grunt tasks require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.initConfig({ clean: { all: ['dest', 'src/img/icons.png', 'src/css/icons.css'], prod: ['dest/prod', 'dest/tmp'], desktop: ['dest/desktop', 'dest/tmp'], dev: ['dest/dev', 'dest/tmp'] }, /** * STYLE CHECKS */ leadingIndent : { options: { indentation : "spaces" }, css : ['src/css/**/*.css'] }, jscs : { options : { "preset": "google", "maximumLineLength": 120, "requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": "ignoreProperties", "validateQuoteMarks": { "mark": "'", "escape": true }, "disallowMultipleVarDecl": "exceptUndefined", "disallowSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression": null }, js : [ 'src/js/**/*.js' , '!src/js/**/lib/**/*.js' ] }, jshint: { options: { undef : true, latedef : true, browser : true, trailing : true, curly : true, globals : {'$':true, 'jQuery' : true, 'pskl':true, 'Events':true, 'Constants':true, 'console' : true, 'module':true, 'require':true, 'Q':true} }, files: [ 'Gruntfile.js', 'package.json', 'src/js/**/*.js', '!src/js/**/lib/**/*.js' // Exclude lib folder (note the leading !) ] }, /** * SERVERS, BROWSER LAUNCHERS */ express: { regular: getExpressConfig('dest/prod', 9001, hostname), test: getExpressConfig(['dest/dev', 'test'], 9991, hostname), debug: getExpressConfig(['dest/dev', 'test'], 9901, hostname) }, open : { regular : { path : 'http://' + hostname + ':9001/' }, debug : { path : 'http://' + hostname + ':9901/?debug' } }, watch: { prod: { files: ['src/**/*.*'], tasks: ['build'], options: { spawn: false } }, dev: { files: ['src/**/*.*'], tasks: ['build-dev'], options: { spawn: false } } }, /** * BUILD STEPS */ sprite:{ all : { src: 'src/img/icons/**/*.png', dest: 'src/img/icons.png', destCss: 'src/css/icons.css' } }, concat : { js : { options : { separator : ';' }, src : piskelScripts, dest : 'dest/prod/js/piskel-packaged' + version + '.js' }, css : { src : piskelStyles, dest : 'dest/prod/css/piskel-style-packaged' + version + '.css' } }, uglify : { options : { mangle : true }, js : { files : { 'dest/tmp/js/piskel-packaged-min.js' : ['dest/prod/js/piskel-packaged' + version + '.js'] } } }, includereplace: { all: { src: 'src/index.html', dest: 'dest/tmp/index.html', options : { globals : { 'version' : version } } } }, replace: { // main-partial.html is used when embedded in mainPartial: { options: { patterns: [{ match: /^(.|[\r\n])*/, replacement: "{% raw %}", description : "Remove everything before body-main-start comment" },{ match: /(.|[\r\n])*$/, replacement: "{% endraw %}", description : "Remove everything after body-main-end comment" },{ match: /([\r\n]) /g, replacement: "$1", description : "Decrease indentation by one" } ] }, files: [ // src/index.html should already have been moved by the includereplace task {src: ['dest/tmp/index.html'], dest: 'dest/prod/piskelapp-partials/main-partial.html'} ] } }, copy: { prod: { files: [ // dest/js/piskel-packaged-min.js should have been created by the uglify task {src: ['dest/tmp/js/piskel-packaged-min.js'], dest: 'dest/prod/js/piskel-packaged-min' + version + '.js'}, {src: ['dest/tmp/index.html'], dest: 'dest/prod/index.html'}, {src: ['src/logo.png'], dest: 'dest/prod/logo.png'}, {src: ['src/js/lib/gif/'], dest: 'dest/prod/js/lib/gif/'}, {expand: true, src: ['img/**'], cwd: 'src/', dest: 'dest/prod/', filter: 'isFile'}, {expand: true, src: ['css/fonts/**'], cwd: 'src/', dest: 'dest/prod/', filter: 'isFile'} ] }, dev: { files: [ // in dev copy everything to dest/dev {src: ['dest/tmp/index.html'], dest: 'dest/dev/index.html'}, {src: ['src/piskel-script-list.js'], dest: 'dest/dev/piskel-script-list.js'}, {src: ['src/piskel-style-list.js'], dest: 'dest/dev/piskel-style-list.js'}, {expand: true, src: ['js/**'], cwd: 'src/', dest: 'dest/dev/', filter: 'isFile'}, {expand: true, src: ['css/**'], cwd: 'src/', dest: 'dest/dev/', filter: 'isFile'}, {expand: true, src: ['img/**'], cwd: 'src/', dest: 'dest/dev/', filter: 'isFile'}, ] } }, /** * TESTING */ karma: { unit: { configFile: 'karma.conf.js' } }, ghost : { 'travis' : getCasperConfig('TravisTestSuite.js', 10000, hostname), 'local' : getCasperConfig('LocalTestSuite.js', 50, hostname) }, /** * DESKTOP BUILDS */ nodewebkit: { windows : { options: { version : "0.11.5", build_dir: './dest/desktop/', // destination folder of releases. win: true, linux32: true, linux64: true }, src: ['./dest/prod/**/*', "./package.json", "!./dest/desktop/"] }, macos : { options: { platforms : ['osx64'], // had performance issues with 0.11.5 on mac os, need to test new versions/new hardware version : "0.10.5", build_dir: './dest/desktop/' }, src: ['./dest/prod/**/*', "./package.json", "!./dest/desktop/"] } } }); // Validate grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jscs:js', 'leadingIndent:css', 'jshint']); // karma/unit-tests task grunt.registerTask('unit-test', ['karma']); // Validate & Test grunt.registerTask('test-travis', ['lint', 'unit-test', 'build-dev', 'express:test', 'ghost:travis']); // Validate & Test (faster version) will NOT work on travis !! grunt.registerTask('test-local', ['lint', 'unit-test', 'build-dev', 'express:test', 'ghost:local']); grunt.registerTask('test-local-nolint', ['unit-test', 'build-dev', 'express:test', 'ghost:local']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['test-travis']); grunt.registerTask('precommit', ['test-local']); grunt.registerTask('build-index.html', ['includereplace']); grunt.registerTask('merge-statics', ['concat:js', 'concat:css', 'uglify']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['clean:prod', 'sprite', 'merge-statics', 'build-index.html', 'replace', 'copy:prod']); grunt.registerTask('build-dev', ['clean:dev', 'sprite', 'build-index.html', 'copy:dev']); // Validate & Build grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint', 'build']); // Build stand alone app with nodewebkit grunt.registerTask('desktop', ['clean:desktop', 'default', 'nodewebkit:windows']); grunt.registerTask('desktop-mac', ['clean:desktop', 'default', 'nodewebkit:macos']); // Start webserver and watch for changes grunt.registerTask('serve', ['build', 'express:regular', 'open:regular', 'watch:prod']); // Start webserver on src folder, in debug mode grunt.registerTask('serve-debug', ['build-dev', 'express:debug', 'open:debug', 'watch:dev']); grunt.registerTask('play', ['serve-debug']); };