
221 lines
7.1 KiB

(function ($) {
var frames = [], isClicked = false, brushSize = 10, index = -1, animIndex = 0, button = 0;
var piskel = {
init : function () {
initPreview : function() {
var scope = this;
var animFPSTuner = document.getElementById("preview-fps");
var animPreviewFPS = parseInt(animFPSTuner.value, 10);
var startPreviewRefresh = function() {
return setInterval(scope.refreshAnimatedPreview, 1000/animPreviewFPS);
var refreshUpdater = startPreviewRefresh();
animFPSTuner.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
animPreviewFPS = parseInt(animFPSTuner.value, 10);
if(isNaN(animPreviewFPS)) {
animPreviewFPS = 1;
if(evt.keyCode == 38) {
else if (evt.keyCode == 40) {
if(animPreviewFPS < 1) {
animPreviewFPS = 1;
if(animPreviewFPS > 100) {
animPreviewFPS = 100;
animFPSTuner.value = animPreviewFPS;
refreshUpdater = startPreviewRefresh();
getCurrentCanvas : function () {
return frames[index];
onCanvasMousemove : function (event) {
if (isClicked) {
var coords = this.getRelativeCoordinates(event.clientX, event.clientY);
this.drawAt(coords.x, coords.y);
createPreviews : function () {
var container = $('preview-list'), previewTile;
container.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0 ; i < frames.length ; i++) {
previewTile = this.createPreviewTile(i);
createPreviewTile: function(tileNumber) {
var preview = document.createElement("li");
var classname = "preview-tile";
if (index == tileNumber) {
classname += " selected";
preview.className = classname;
var canvasPreview = document.createElement("canvas");
canvasPreview.className = "tile-view"
canvasPreview.setAttribute('width', '128');
canvasPreview.setAttribute('height', '128');
canvasPreview.setAttribute('onclick', 'piskel.setFrame('+ tileNumber +')');
var canvasPreviewDuplicateAction = document.createElement("button");
canvasPreviewDuplicateAction.className = "tile-action"
canvasPreviewDuplicateAction.innerHTML = "dup"
canvasPreviewDuplicateAction.setAttribute('onclick', 'piskel.duplicateFrame('+ tileNumber +')');
canvasPreview.getContext('2d').drawImage(frames[tileNumber], 0, 0, 320, 320, 0, 0 , 128, 128);
if(frames.length > 1) {
var canvasPreviewDeleteAction = document.createElement("button");
canvasPreviewDeleteAction.className = "tile-action"
canvasPreviewDeleteAction.innerHTML = "del"
canvasPreviewDeleteAction.setAttribute('onclick', 'piskel.removeFrame('+ tileNumber +')');
return preview;
refreshAnimatedPreview : function () {
var context = $('animated-preview').getContext('2d');
// erase canvas, verify proper way
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 256);
context.drawImage(frames[animIndex++], 0, 0, 320, 320, 0, 0 , 256, 256);
if (animIndex == frames.length) {
animIndex = 0;
setFrame : function (frameIndex) {
index = frameIndex;
$('canvas-container').innerHTML = "";
removeFrame: function(frameIndex) {
index = frameIndex - 1 < 0 ? 0 : frameIndex - 1;
animIndex = 0;
frames.splice(frameIndex, 1);
$('canvas-container').innerHTML = "";
duplicateFrame: function(frameIndex) {
index = frameIndex + 1;
animIndex = 0;
var duplicateCanvas = frames[frameIndex].cloneNode(true);
// Copy canvas content:
var context = duplicateCanvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(frames[frameIndex], 0, 0);
// Insert cloned node into frame collection:
frames.splice(frameIndex + 1, 0, duplicateCanvas);
$('canvas-container').innerHTML = "";
updateCursorInfo : function (event) {
var cursor = $('cursorInfo');
cursor.style.top = event.clientY + 10 + "px";
cursor.style.left = event.clientX + 10 + "px";
var coordinates = this.getRelativeCoordinates(event.clientX, event.clientY)
cursor.innerHTML = [
"X : " + coordinates.x,
"Y : " + coordinates.y
].join(", ");
onCanvasMousedown : function (event) {
isClicked = true;
button = event.button;
var coords = this.getRelativeCoordinates(event.clientX, event.clientY);
this.drawAt(coords.x, coords.y);
onCanvasMouseup : function (event) {
isClicked = false;
drawAt : function (x, y) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 320 || y > 320) return;
var context = this.getCurrentCanvas().getContext('2d');
if (button == 0) {
context.fillStyle = "black";
} else {
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(x - x%brushSize, y - y%brushSize, brushSize, brushSize);
onCanvasContextMenu : function (event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
getRelativeCoordinates : function (x, y) {
var canvas = this.getCurrentCanvas();
var canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x : x - canvasRect.left,
y : y - canvasRect.top
addFrame : function () {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.setAttribute('width', '320');
canvas.setAttribute('height', '320');
canvas.setAttribute('onmousemove', 'piskel.onCanvasMousemove(arguments[0])');
canvas.setAttribute('oncontextmenu', 'piskel.onCanvasContextMenu(arguments[0])');
//canvas.setAttribute('onclick', 'piskel.onCanvasClick(arguments[0])');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 320);
if(frames[index]) { //is a valid canvas
context.drawImage(frames[index], 0, 0, 320, 320, 0, 0 , 320, 320);
// TODO: We should probably store some metadata or enhance a domain object instead
// of the rendered view ? It will allow to decouple view and model and clean a bunch of code above.
this.setFrame(frames.length - 1);
window.piskel = piskel;
})(function(id){return document.getElementById(id)});