
103 lines
3.2 KiB

(function () {
var ns = $.namespace('pskl.utils.serialization');
var areChunksValid = function (chunks) {
return chunks.length && chunks.every(function (chunk) {
return chunk.base64PNG && chunk.base64PNG !== 'data:,';
var createLineLayout = function (size, offset) {
var layout = [];
for (var i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
layout.push([i + offset]);
return layout;
ns.Serializer = {
serialize : function (piskel) {
var serializedLayers = piskel.getLayers().map(function (l) {
return pskl.utils.serialization.Serializer.serializeLayer(l);
var frames = piskel.getLayerAt(0).getFrames();
var hiddenFrames = frames.map(function (frame, index) {
if (frame.visible) {
return -1;
return index;
}).filter(function (frameIndex) {
return frameIndex !== -1;
return JSON.stringify({
modelVersion : Constants.MODEL_VERSION,
piskel : {
name : piskel.getDescriptor().name,
description : piskel.getDescriptor().description,
fps : pskl.app.piskelController.getFPS(),
height : piskel.getHeight(),
width : piskel.getWidth(),
layers : serializedLayers,
hiddenFrames : hiddenFrames,
serializeLayer : function (layer) {
var frames = layer.getFrames();
var layerToSerialize = {
name : layer.getName(),
opacity : layer.getOpacity(),
frameCount : frames.length
// A layer spritesheet data can be chunked in case the spritesheet PNG is to big to be
// converted to a dataURL.
// Frames are divided equally amongst chunks and each chunk is converted to a spritesheet
// PNG. If any chunk contains an invalid base64 PNG, we increase the number of chunks and
// retry.
var chunks = [];
while (!areChunksValid(chunks)) {
if (chunks.length >= frames.length) {
// Something went horribly wrong.
chunks = [];
// Chunks are invalid, increase the number of chunks by one, and chunk the frames array.
var frameChunks = pskl.utils.Array.chunk(frames, chunks.length + 1);
// Reset chunks array.
chunks = [];
// After each chunk update the offset by te number of frames that have been processed.
var offset = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < frameChunks.length ; i++) {
var chunkFrames = frameChunks[i];
// create a layout array, containing the indices of the frames extracted in this chunk
layout : createLineLayout(chunkFrames.length, offset),
base64PNG : ns.Serializer.serializeFramesToBase64(chunkFrames),
offset += chunkFrames.length;
layerToSerialize.chunks = chunks;
return JSON.stringify(layerToSerialize);
serializeFramesToBase64 : function (frames) {
try {
var renderer = new pskl.rendering.FramesheetRenderer(frames);
return renderer.renderAsCanvas().toDataURL();
} catch (e) {
return '';