jdescottes 8f5ead43d9 Fix : remove cache issues for css, js, templates
Packaged css and js are now suffixed with the build date.
All templates are exported to a folder named after the build date.
Streamlined the build process to copy files to piskel-website.

Isolated common part between piskel and piskel-website in a separated
template, which is now completely created by the grunt build of piskel.

Added a windows CMD script to copy the static resources to piskel-website.
2014-07-06 16:17:14 +02:00

21 lines
613 B

@ECHO off
SET PISKEL_PATH="C:\Development\git\piskel"
SET PISKELAPP_PATH="C:\Development\git\piskel-website"
ECHO "Copying files to piskelapp"
XCOPY "%PISKEL_PATH%\dest" "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\static\editor" /e /i /h /y
ECHO "Delete previous partial"
DEL "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\templates\editor\main-partial.html"
ECHO "Copy new partial"
MOVE "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\static\editor\piskelapp-partials\main-partial.html" "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\templates\editor"
ECHO "Delete temp partial"
RMDIR "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\static\editor\piskelapp-partials\" /S /Q
explorer "%PISKELAPP_PATH%\"