jdescottes df4978f6af fix : reduce piskel model size
+ piskel deserialization is now clearly asynchronous
+ added utils.Deserializer (not a singleton though, more a builder/loader)
+ utils.Deserializer constructor expects a callback
+ when all layers are loaded and piskel is ready, the callback provided by
  the client is called with piskel as the first argument
- Deserializer doesn't fit in the utils package, which should be reserved
  to singletons : can move it to service as a PiskelLoaderService, and
  Deserializer could remain with only the purely static methods
- ImportController is realying on the Deserializer to build a Piskel but
  it shouldn't. Find a way to mutualize the code necessary to create a
  Piskel from an array of pskl.model.Frame
- still cleanup to do in app.js
- comments to add as well
2013-11-13 23:39:43 +01:00

89 lines
2.9 KiB

(function () {
var ns = $.namespace("pskl.service");
ns.LocalStorageService = function (piskelController) {
if(piskelController === undefined) {
throw "Bad LocalStorageService initialization: <undefined piskelController>";
this.piskelController = piskelController;
this.localStorageThrottler_ = null;
* @public
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.init = function(piskelController) {
$.subscribe(Events.LOCALSTORAGE_REQUEST, $.proxy(this.persistToLocalStorageRequest_, this));
* @private
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.persistToLocalStorageRequest_ = function () {
// Persist to localStorage when drawing. We throttle localStorage accesses
// for high frequency drawing (eg mousemove).
if(this.localStorageThrottler_ !== null) {
this.localStorageThrottler_ = window.setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
this.localStorageThrottler_ = null;
}, this), 1000);
* @private
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.persistToLocalStorage_ = function() {
console.log('[LocalStorage service]: Snapshot stored');
window.localStorage.snapShot = this.piskelController.serialize();
* @private
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.restoreFromLocalStorage_ = function() {
var framesheet = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.snapShot);
var deserializer = new pskl.utils.Deserializer(framesheet, function (piskel) {
* @private
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.cleanLocalStorage_ = function() {
console.log('[LocalStorage service]: Snapshot removed');
delete window.localStorage.snapShot;
* @public
ns.LocalStorageService.prototype.displayRestoreNotification = function() {
if(window.localStorage && window.localStorage.snapShot) {
var reloadLink = "<a href='#' class='localstorage-restore onclick='pskl.app.restoreFromLocalStorage()'>reload</a>";
var discardLink = "<a href='#' class='localstorage-discard' onclick='pskl.app.cleanLocalStorage()'>discard</a>";
var content = "Non saved version found. " + reloadLink + " or " + discardLink;
$.publish(Events.SHOW_NOTIFICATION, [{
"content": content,
"behavior": $.proxy(function(rootNode) {
rootNode = $(rootNode);
rootNode.click($.proxy(function(evt) {
var target = $(evt.target);
if(target.hasClass("localstorage-restore")) {
else if (target.hasClass("localstorage-discard")) {
}, this));
}, this)