2021-07-15 23:21:19 +03:00
const FileManager = (() => {
// Binding the browse holder change event to file loading
const browseHolder = document.getElementById('open-image-browse-holder');
2021-07-20 23:52:51 +03:00
Events.on('change', browseHolder, loadFile);
2021-07-15 23:21:19 +03:00
function saveProject() {
//create name
let fileName;
let selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button');
if (selectedPalette != 'Choose a palette...'){
let paletteAbbreviation = palettes[selectedPalette].abbreviation;
fileName = 'pixel-'+paletteAbbreviation+'-'+canvasSize[0]+'x'+canvasSize[1]+'.lpe';
} else {
fileName = 'pixel-'+canvasSize[0]+'x'+canvasSize[1]+'.lpe';
selectedPalette = 'none';
//set download link
const linkHolder = document.getElementById('save-project-link-holder');
// create file content
const content = getProjectData();
linkHolder.href = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(content);
linkHolder.download = fileName;
if (typeof ga !== 'undefined')
ga('send', 'event', 'Pixel Editor Save', selectedPalette, canvasSize[0]+'/'+canvasSize[1]); /*global ga*/
function exportProject() {
if (documentCreated) {
//create name
var selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button');
if (selectedPalette != 'Choose a palette...'){
var paletteAbbreviation = palettes[selectedPalette].abbreviation;
var fileName = 'pixel-'+paletteAbbreviation+'-'+canvasSize[0]+'x'+canvasSize[1]+'.png';
} else {
var fileName = 'pixel-'+canvasSize[0]+'x'+canvasSize[1]+'.png';
selectedPalette = 'none';
//set download link
var linkHolder = document.getElementById('save-image-link-holder');
// Creating a tmp canvas to flatten everything
var exportCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var emptyCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var layersCopy = layers.slice();
exportCanvas.width = canvasSize[0];
exportCanvas.height = canvasSize[1];
emptyCanvas.width = canvasSize[0];
emptyCanvas.height = canvasSize[1];
// Sorting the layers by z index
layersCopy.sort((a, b) => (a.canvas.style.zIndex > b.canvas.style.zIndex) ? 1 : -1);
// Merging every layer on the export canvas
for (let i=0; i<layersCopy.length; i++) {
if (layersCopy[i].menuEntry != null && layersCopy[i].isVisible) {
2021-07-22 23:42:41 +03:00
LayerList.mergeLayers(exportCanvas.getContext('2d'), layersCopy[i].context);
2021-07-15 23:21:19 +03:00
// I'm not going to find out why the layer ordering screws up if you don't copy
// a blank canvas when layers[i] is not set as visible, but if you have time to
// spend, feel free to investigate (comment the else, create 3 layers: hide the
// middle one and export, the other 2 will be swapped in their order)
else {
2021-07-22 23:42:41 +03:00
LayerList.mergeLayers(exportCanvas.getContext('2d'), emptyCanvas.getContext('2d'));
2021-07-15 23:21:19 +03:00
linkHolder.href = exportCanvas.toDataURL();
linkHolder.download = fileName;
//track google event
if (typeof ga !== 'undefined')
ga('send', 'event', 'Pixel Editor Export', selectedPalette, canvasSize[0]+'/'+canvasSize[1]); /*global ga*/
function open() {
//if a document exists
if (documentCreated) {
//check if the user wants to overwrite
if (confirm('Opening a pixel will discard your current one. Are you sure you want to do that?'))
//open file selection dialog
//open file selection dialog
function loadFile() {
let fileName = document.getElementById("open-image-browse-holder").value;
// Getting the extension
let extension = (fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.')+1, fileName.length) || fileName).toLowerCase();
// I didn't write this check and I have no idea what it does
if (browseHolder.files && browseHolder.files[0]) {
// Btw, checking if the extension is supported
if (extension == 'png' || extension == 'gif' || extension == 'lpe') {
// If it's a Lospec Pixel Editor tm file, I load the project
if (extension == 'lpe') {
else {
else alert('Only .LPE project files, PNG and GIF files are allowed at this time.');
function openFile() {
//load file
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(e) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
//create a new pixel with the images dimentions
Startup.newPixel(this.width, this.height);
//draw the image onto the canvas
currentLayer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
2021-07-19 00:17:41 +03:00
2021-07-15 23:21:19 +03:00
//track google event
if (typeof ga !== 'undefined')
ga('send', 'event', 'Pixel Editor Load', colorPalette.length, this.width+'/'+this.height); /*global ga*/
img.src = e.target.result;
function openProject() {
let file = browseHolder.files[0];
let reader = new FileReader();
// Getting all the data
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
// Converting the data to a json object and creating a new pixel (see _newPixel.js for more)
reader.onload = function (e) {
let dictionary = JSON.parse(e.target.result);
Startup.newPixel(dictionary['canvasWidth'], dictionary['canvasHeight'], dictionary);
function getProjectData() {
// use a dictionary
let dictionary = {};
// sorting layers by increasing z-index
let layersCopy = layers.slice();
layersCopy.sort((a, b) => (a.canvas.style.zIndex > b.canvas.style.zIndex) ? 1 : -1);
// save canvas size
dictionary['canvasWidth'] = currentLayer.canvasSize[0];
dictionary['canvasHeight'] = currentLayer.canvasSize[1];
// save editor mode
dictionary['editorMode'] = pixelEditorMode;
// save palette
for (let i=0; i<ColorModule.getCurrentPalette().length; i++) {
dictionary["color" + i] = ColorModule.getCurrentPalette()[i];
// save number of layers
dictionary["nLayers"] = layersCopy.length;
// save layers
for (let i=0; i<layersCopy.length; i++) {
// Only saving the layers the user has access to (no vfx, tmp or checkerboard layers)
if (layersCopy[i].menuEntry != null) {
dictionary["layer" + i] = layersCopy[i];
dictionary["layer" + i + "ImageData"] = layersCopy[i].canvas.toDataURL();
return JSON.stringify(dictionary);
return {