// this function is used whenever you need to define a z-index @function -z($key, $mod: 0) { $index: -index($layers, $key) * 10; @if $mod { @return $index + $mod; } @return $index; } // dependency for the other function @function -index($list, $value) { @for $i from 1 through length($list) { @if nth($list, $i) == $value { @return $i; } } @return null; } /* define your layers from bottom to top: $layers: ( background, content, dropdown, subnav, mobile-nav, header, overlay, modal, modal-background, modal-content ); //////////use: .test { z-index: -z(content); } //////////go one layer above content .test-2 { z-index: -z(content, 1); } ///////////go one layer below content .test-2 { z-index: -z(content, -1) } */