class EyeDropperTool extends Tool { eyedropperPreview = document.getElementById("eyedropper-preview"); selectedColor = {r:0, g:0, b:0}; constructor(name, options, switchFunction) { super(name, options); Events.on('click', this.mainButton, switchFunction, this); this.resetTutorial(); this.addTutorialTitle("Eyedropper tool"); this.addTutorialKey("E", " to select the lasso selection tool"); this.addTutorialKey("Left drag", " to preview the picked colour"); this.addTutorialKey("Aòt + left drag", " to preview the picked colour"); this.addTutorialKey("Left click", " to select a colour"); this.addTutorialKey("Alt + click", " to select a colour"); this.addTutorialImg("/eyedropper-tutorial.gif"); } onStart(mousePos, target) { super.onStart(mousePos); if (target.className != 'drawingCanvas') return; = 'block'; this.onDrag(mousePos); } onDrag(mousePos) { super.onDrag(mousePos); this.selectedColor = this.pickColor(mousePos); = '#' + Color.rgbToHex(this.selectedColor); = mousePos[0] + currFile.currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - 30 + 'px'; = mousePos[1] + currFile.currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - 30 + 'px'; const colorLightness = Math.max(this.selectedColor.r,this.selectedColor.g,this.selectedColor.b); //for the darkest 50% of colors, change the eyedropper preview to dark mode if (colorLightness>127) this.eyedropperPreview.classList.remove('dark'); else this.eyedropperPreview.classList.add('dark'); this.changeColor(); } onEnd(mousePos) { super.onEnd(mousePos); = 'none'; } changeColor() { let colorHex = Color.rgbToHex(this.selectedColor); ColorModule.updateCurrentColor('#' + Color.rgbToHex(this.selectedColor)); let colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button'); for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { //if picked color matches this color if (colorHex == colors[i].jscolor.toString()) { //remove current color selection document.querySelector("#colors-menu li.selected")?.classList.remove("selected"); //set current color for (let i=2; i