// REFACTOR: this is a nice base for the Tool class
//tools container / list, automatically managed when you create a new Tool();
var tool = {};
//class for tools
class Tool {
name = "AbstractTool";
isSelected = false;
switchFunction = undefined;
// Cursor and brush size
cursorType = {};
cursor = undefined;
cursorHTMLElement = undefined;
// Useful coordinates
startMousePos = {};
currMousePos = {};
prevMousePos = {};
endMousePos = {};
// HTML elements
mainButton = undefined;
brushPreview = document.getElementById("brush-preview");
// Tool tutorial
toolTutorial = document.getElementById("tool-tutorial");
tutorialTimer = undefined;
tutorialString = "";
constructor (name, options) {
this.name = name;
this.cursorType = options;
this.mainButton = document.getElementById(name + "-button");
if (this.mainButton != undefined) {
// Timer to show the tutorial
Events.on("mouseenter", this.mainButton, function(){
this.tutorialTimer = setTimeout(this.showTutorial.bind(this), 750)
// Clear the callback if the user cancels the hovering
Events.on("mouseleave", this.mainButton, function() {
if (this.tutorialTimer != undefined)
this.tutorialTimer = undefined;
showTutorial() {
let tutorialRect = this.toolTutorial.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((this.mainButton.getBoundingClientRect().top - 48 + (tutorialRect.bottom - tutorialRect.top)) > window.innerHeight) {
this.toolTutorial.style.top = window.innerHeight - 48 - (tutorialRect.bottom - tutorialRect.top) + "px";
else {
this.toolTutorial.style.top = this.mainButton.getBoundingClientRect().top - 48 + "px";
this.toolTutorial.style.display = "inline-block";
this.toolTutorial.className = "fade-in";
hideTutorial() {
this.toolTutorial.className = "fade-out";
setTimeout(function(){this.toolTutorial.style.display = "none"}.bind(this), 200);
resetTutorial() {
this.tutorialString = "";
setTutorial() {
this.toolTutorial.innerHTML = this.tutorialString;
addTutorialKey(key, text) {
this.tutorialString += '
' + key + ' ' + text + '';
addTutorialText(key, text) {
this.tutorialString += '' + key + ': ' + text + '';
addTutorialImg(imgPath) {
this.tutorialString += '';
addTutorialTitle(text) {
this.tutorialString += "" + text + "
onSelect() {
if (this.mainButton != undefined)
this.isSelected = true;
// Update the cursor
switch (this.cursorType.type) {
case 'html':
currFile.canvasView.style.cursor = 'none';
case 'cursor':
this.cursor = this.cursorType.style;
currFile.canvasView.style.cursor = this.cursor || 'default';
// Reset the topbar
updateCursor() {
this.brushPreview.style.display = 'block';
this.brushPreview.style.width = this.currSize * currFile.zoom + 'px';
this.brushPreview.style.height = this.currSize * currFile.zoom + 'px';
onMouseWheel(mousePos, mode) {}
onHover(cursorLocation, cursorTarget) {
this.prevMousePos = this.currMousePos;
this.currMousePos = cursorLocation;
let toSub = 1;
// Prevents the brush to be put in the middle of pixels
if (this.currSize % 2 == 0) {
toSub = 0.5;
this.brushPreview.style.left = (Math.floor(cursorLocation[0] / currFile.zoom) * currFile.zoom + currFile.currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - this.currSize * currFile.zoom / 2 - currFile.zoom / 2 + toSub * currFile.zoom) + 'px';
this.brushPreview.style.top = (Math.floor(cursorLocation[1] / currFile.zoom) * currFile.zoom + currFile.currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - this.currSize * currFile.zoom / 2 - currFile.zoom / 2 + toSub * currFile.zoom) + 'px';
if (this.cursorType.type == 'html') {
if (cursorTarget.className == 'drawingCanvas'|| cursorTarget.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
this.brushPreview.style.visibility = 'visible';
currFile.canvasView.style.cursor = 'none';
else {
this.brushPreview.style.visibility = 'hidden';
currFile.canvasView.style.cursor = 'default';
onDeselect() {
if (this.mainButton != undefined)
this.isSelected = false;
this.brushPreview.style.visibility = 'hidden';
currFile.canvasView.style.cursor = 'default';
onStart(mousePos, mouseTarget) {
this.startMousePos = mousePos;
onDrag(mousePos, mouseTarget) {
onEnd(mousePos, mouseTarget) {
this.endMousePos = mousePos;