document.getElementById('jscolor-hex-input').addEventListener('change', colorChanged, false); on('input', 'jscolor-hex-input', function (e) { //get hex value var newColorHex =; //if the color is not (yet) a valid hex color, exit this function and do nothing if (/^[0-9a-f]{6}$/i.test(newColorHex) == false) return; //get currently editing color var currentlyEditedColor = document.getElementsByClassName('jscolor-active')[0]; //update the actual color picker to the inputted color currentlyEditedColor.firstChild.jscolor.fromString(newColorHex); colorChanged(e); }) //changes all of one color to another after being changed from color picker function colorChanged(e) { console.log('colorChanged()'); //get colors var newColor = hexToRgb(; var oldColor =; console.log('newColor',newColor) console.log('oldColor',oldColor) //save undo state //saveHistoryState({type: 'colorchange', newColor:, oldColor: rgbToHex(oldColor), canvas: context.getImageData(0, 0, canvasSize[0], canvasSize[1])}); new HistoryStateEditColor(, rgbToHex(oldColor)); //get the currently selected color var currentlyEditedColor = document.getElementsByClassName('jscolor-active')[0]; var duplicateColorWarning = document.getElementById("duplicate-color-warning"); //check if selected color already matches another color colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button'); var colorCheckingStyle = "background: #bc60c4; color: white" var newColorHex =; //if the color is not a valid hex color, exit this function and do nothing if (/^[0-9a-f]{6}$/i.test(newColorHex) == false) return; //loop through all colors in palette for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { console.log('%c'+newColorHex +' '+ colors[i].jscolor.toString(), colorCheckingStyle) //if generated color matches this color if (newColorHex == colors[i].jscolor.toString()) { console.log('%ccolor already exists'+(colors[i].parentElement.classList.contains('jscolor-active')?' (but is the current color)':''), colorCheckingStyle); //if the color isnt the one that has the picker currently open if (!colors[i].parentElement.classList.contains('jscolor-active')) { console.log('%cColor is duplicate', colorCheckingStyle) //show the duplicate color warning = 'visible'; //shake warning icon duplicateColorWarning.classList.remove('shake'); void duplicateColorWarning.offsetWidth; duplicateColorWarning.classList.add('shake'); //exit function without updating color return; } } } //if the color being edited has a duplicate color warning, remove it = 'hidden'; currentlyEditedColor.firstChild.jscolor.fromString(newColorHex) replaceAllOfColor(oldColor, newColor); //set new old color to changed color = newColor; console.log(; //if this is the current color, update the drawing color if ('selected')) { console.log('this color is the current color'); context.fillStyle = '#'+ rgbToHex(newColor.r,newColor.g,newColor.b); } /* this is wrong and bad if (settings.switchToChangedColor) { }*/ }