Latest update

Hello there, welcome to the latest version of the Lospec Pixel Editor. As you can see, we changed quite a lot of things. Let's go through all them, starting from this page.

Splash page

The editor now has a splash page! Besides a fancy cover image with beautiful art, on the bottom right of the page you'll be able to create a new custom pixel. You can also use the quickstart menu to quickly select a preset or load an existing file. It was designed by Skeddles himself! Pro tip: once you've created a new project, you can go back to the splash page by clicking on Editor -> Splash page

Canvas resizing

We implemented canvas resizing! If you wanted to draw a t-rex but created a 4x4 canvas, we've got you covered! You can now click on Edit -> Resize canvas to decrease the size of the project. Same goes if you drew an ant on a 1024x1024 canvas, just go to Edit -> Resize canvas and decrease the dimensions.

Sprite scaling

In addition to the Lospec Pixel Art Scaler, you can now take advantage of the editor's built-in scaling function. Just click on Edit -> Scale sprite to scale up or down your work. With the nearest-neighbour algorithm you'll be able to scale sprites in a pixel-perfect manner, while with bilinear interpolation it's possible to add (or remove, if you're scaling down a sprite) antialiasing.

Line tool

Our contributor Liam added a new line tool! Quality of life improvement are planned for it, the rectangle and the rectangular selection tools.

Advanced mode: colour picker and palette block

If you're a proud user of the advanced mode, you'll be able to try out the new colour picker: it supports 3 colour models, 6 colour harmonies and multiple ways to input data. Next to it, you'll find the new palette block, which lets you arrange your colours however you want, add and remove multiple colours at once. Changes made in the palette block will update the palette list you've always been familiar with.

Other changes:

That's all folks!

That's all for this update! Hope you have fun with this new release :)
- Unsettled

P.S.: we're always looking for contributors! Join the Lospec discord to get in touch!