/**utilities**/ //=include lib/cookies.js //=include _jscolor.js //=include _pixelEditorUtility.js //=include _variables.js //=include lib/sortable.js //=include Util.js //=include Events.js //=include Color.js //=include Dialogue.js //=include History.js /**init**/ //=include _consts.js //=include Settings.js //=include LayerList.js //=include Layer.js //=include Startup.js //=include _pixelGrid.js //=include EditorState.js /**dropdown formatting**/ //=include PresetModule.js //=include _palettes.js /**functions**/ //=include _tools.js //=include tools/*.js //=include _changeZoom.js //=include ColorModule.js //=include _drawLine.js //=include _fill.js //=include _line.js //=include _checkerboard.js //=include _copyPaste.js //=include _resizeCanvas.js //=include _resizeSprite.js //=include _colorPicker.js //=include _paletteBlock.js //=include SplashPage.js /**buttons**/ //=include _toolButtons.js //=include FileManager.js //=include TopMenuModule.js //=include _rectSelect.js //=include _move.js //=include _rectangle.js //=include _ellipse.js /**event listeners**/ //=include Input.js //=include _mouseEvents.js /**feature toggles**/ //=include _featureToggles.js // Controls execution of this preset module PresetModule.instrumentPresetMenu(); //when the page is done loading, you can get ready to start window.onload = function () { featureToggles.onLoad(); currentTool.updateCursor(); //check if there are any url parameters if (window.location.pathname.replace('/pixel-editor/','').length <= 1) { //show splash screen Dialogue.showDialogue('splash', false); } //url parameters were specified else { let args = window.location.pathname.split('/'); let paletteSlug = args[2]; let dimentions = args[3]; //fetch palette via lospec palette API fetch('https://lospec.com/palette-list/'+paletteSlug+'.json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { //palette loaded successfully palettes[paletteSlug] = data; palettes[paletteSlug].specified = true; //refresh list of palettes document.getElementById('palette-menu-splash').refresh(); //if the dimentions were specified if (dimentions && dimentions.length >= 3 && dimentions.includes('x')) { let width = dimentions.split('x')[0]; let height = dimentions.split('x')[1]; //create new document Startup.newPixel(width, height); } //dimentions were not specified -- show splash screen with palette preselected else { //show splash Dialogue.showDialogue('new-pixel', false); } }) //error fetching url (either palette doesn't exist, or lospec is down) .catch((error) => { console.warn('failed to load palette "'+paletteSlug+'"', error); //proceed to splash screen Dialogue.showDialogue('splash', false); }); } }; //prevent user from leaving page with unsaved data window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (documentCreated) return 'You will lose your pixel if it\'s not saved!'; else return; };