class LassoSelectionTool extends SelectionTool { currentPixels = []; currSelection = {}; boundingBox = {minX: 9999999, maxX: -1, minY: 9999999, maxY: -1}; constructor (name, options, switchFunc, moveTool) { super(name, options, switchFunc, moveTool); Events.on('click', this.mainButton, switchFunc, this); } onStart(mousePos) { super.onStart(mousePos); // Putting the vfx layer on top of everything = MAX_Z_INDEX; // clearSelection(); this.boundingBox = {minX: 9999999, maxX: -1, minY: 9999999, maxY: -1}; this.currentPixels = []; this.drawSelection(); this.currentPixels.push([mousePos[0] / currFile.zoom, mousePos[1] / currFile.zoom]); } onDrag(mousePos) { super.onDrag(mousePos); let mouseX = mousePos[0] / currFile.zoom; let mouseY = mousePos[1] / currFile.zoom; if (this.currentPixels[this.currentPixels.length - 1] != mousePos) this.currentPixels.push([mousePos[0] / currFile.zoom, mousePos[1] / currFile.zoom]); this.drawSelection(); if (mouseX > this.boundingBox.maxX) this.boundingBox.maxX = Math.floor(mouseX); if (mouseX < this.boundingBox.minX) this.boundingBox.minX = Math.floor(mouseX); if (mouseY < this.boundingBox.minY) this.boundingBox.minY = Math.floor(mouseY); if (mouseY > this.boundingBox.maxY) this.boundingBox.maxY = Math.floor(mouseY); } onEnd(mousePos) { super.onEnd(mousePos); new HistoryState().EditCanvas(); this.currentPixels.push([this.startMousePos[0] / currFile.zoom, this.startMousePos[1] / currFile.zoom]); this.getSelection(); // Switch to the move tool so that the user can move the selection this.switchFunc(this.moveTool); this.moveTool.setSelectionData(null, this); } onSelect() { super.onSelect(); } onDeselect() { super.onDeselect(); } drawSelection() { if (this.currentPixels.length <= 1) return; let point = []; let prevPoint = []; currFile.VFXLayer.context.clearRect(0, 0, currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]); currFile.VFXLayer.context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; currFile.VFXLayer.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; currFile.VFXLayer.context.lineWidth = 1; currFile.VFXLayer.context.beginPath(); for (var index = 0; index < this.currentPixels.length; index ++) { point = this.currentPixels[index]; if (index == 0) currFile.VFXLayer.context.moveTo(point[0], point[1]); else { prevPoint = this.currentPixels[index- 1]; currFile.VFXLayer.context.lineTo(point[0], point[1]); currFile.VFXLayer.drawLine(Math.floor(prevPoint[0]), Math.floor(prevPoint[1]), Math.floor(point[0]), Math.floor(point[1]), 1); } } currFile.VFXLayer.drawLine(Math.floor(prevPoint[0]), Math.floor(prevPoint[1]), Math.floor(this.startMousePos[0] / currFile.zoom), Math.floor(this.startMousePos[1] / currFile.zoom), 1); currFile.VFXLayer.context.lineTo(this.startMousePos[0] / currFile.zoom, this.startMousePos[1] / currFile.zoom); currFile.VFXLayer.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'; currFile.VFXLayer.context.fill(); currFile.VFXLayer.context.closePath(); } cursorInSelectedArea(mousePos) { } isBorderOfBox(pixel) { return pixel[0] == this.boundingBox.minX || pixel[0] == this.boundingBox.maxX || pixel[1] == this.boundingBox.minY || pixel[1] == this.boundingBox.maxY; } visit(pixel, visited, data) { let toVisit = [pixel]; let selected = []; let currVisited = {}; while (toVisit.length > 0) { pixel = toVisit.pop(); selected.push(pixel); visited[pixel] = true; currVisited[pixel] = true; let col = Util.getPixelColor(data, pixel[0], pixel[1], currFile.canvasSize[0]); if (col[3] == 255) continue; if (this.isBorderOfBox(pixel)) return []; let top, bottom, left, right; if (pixel[1] > 0) top = [pixel[0], pixel[1] - 1]; else top = undefined; if (pixel[0] > 0) left = [pixel[0] - 1, pixel[1]]; else left = undefined; if (pixel[1] < currFile.canvasSize[1]) bottom = [pixel[0], pixel[1] + 1]; else bottom = undefined; if (pixel[0] < currFile.canvasSize[0]) right = [pixel[0] + 1, pixel[1]]; else right = undefined; // The include problem: if (right != undefined && currVisited[right] == undefined) toVisit.push(right); if (left != undefined && currVisited[left] == undefined) toVisit.push(left); if (top != undefined && currVisited[top] == undefined) toVisit.push(top); if (bottom != undefined && currVisited[bottom] == undefined) toVisit.push(bottom); } return selected; } getSelection() { let selected = []; let visited = {}; let data = currFile.VFXLayer.context.getImageData(0, 0, currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]).data; if (this.currentPixels.length <= 1){ return; } for (let x=this.boundingBox.minX; x<=this.boundingBox.maxX; x++) { for (let y=this.boundingBox.minY; y<=this.boundingBox.maxY; y++) { if (visited[[x, y]] == undefined) { let insidePixels = this.visit([x,y], visited, data); for (let i=0; i