var currentMouseEvent; // TODO: replace every position calculation with lastMousePos var lastMousePos; //mousedown - start drawing window.addEventListener("mousedown", function (mouseEvent) { // Saving the event in case something else needs it currentMouseEvent = mouseEvent; //if no document has been created yet, or this is a dialog open if (!documentCreated || dialogueOpen) return; //prevent right mouse clicks and such, which will open unwanted menus //mouseEvent.preventDefault(); lastPos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); dragging = true; //left or right click ? if (mouseEvent.which == 1) { if (spacePressed) currentTool = 'pan'; else if (mouseEvent.altKey) currentTool = 'eyedropper'; else if ( == 'drawingCanvas' && (currentTool == 'pencil' || currentTool == 'eraser')) new HistoryStateEditCanvas(); //saveHistoryState({type: 'canvas', canvas: context.getImageData(0, 0, canvasSize[0], canvasSize[1])}); updateCursor(); draw(mouseEvent); } else if (currentTool == 'pencil' && mouseEvent.which == 3) { currentTool = 'resize-brush'; prevBrushSize = pencilSize; } else if (currentTool == 'eraser' && mouseEvent.which == 3) { currentTool = 'resize-eraser'; prevEraserSize = eraserSize; } else if (currentTool == 'rectangle' && mouseEvent.which == 3) { currentTool = 'resize-rectangle'; prevRectangleSize = rectangleSize; } if (currentTool == 'eyedropper' && == 'drawingCanvas') = 'block'; return false; }, false); //mouseup - end drawing window.addEventListener("mouseup", function (mouseEvent) { // Saving the event in case something else needs it currentMouseEvent = mouseEvent; closeMenu(); if (!documentCreated || dialogueOpen) return; if (currentTool == 'eyedropper' && == 'drawingCanvas') { var cursorLocation = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); var selectedColor = context.getImageData(Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/zoom),1,1); var newColor = rgbToHex([0],[1],[2]); currentGlobalColor = "#" + newColor; var colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button'); for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { console.log(colors[i].jscolor.toString()); //if picked color matches this color if (newColor == colors[i].jscolor.toString()) { console.log('color found'); //remove current color selection var selectedColor = document.querySelector("#colors-menu li.selected") if (selectedColor) selectedColor.classList.remove("selected"); //set current color context.fillStyle = '#'+newColor; //make color selected colors[i].parentElement.classList.add('selected'); //hide eyedropper = 'none'; } } } else if (currentTool == 'fill' && == 'drawingCanvas') { console.log('filling') //get cursor postion var cursorLocation = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); //offset to match cursor point cursorLocation[0] += 2; cursorLocation[1] += 12; //fill starting at the location fill(cursorLocation); } else if (currentTool == 'zoom' && == 'drawingCanvas') { let mode; if (mouseEvent.which == 1){ mode = "in"; } else if (mouseEvent.which == 3){ mode = "out"; } changeZoom(layers[0], mode, getCursorPosition(mouseEvent)); for (let i=1; i127) brushPreview.classList.remove('dark'); else brushPreview.classList.add('dark'); } // Decided to write a different implementation in case of differences between the brush and the eraser tool else if (currentTool == 'eraser') { // Uses the same preview as the brush //move the brush preview = cursorLocation[0] + canvas.offsetLeft - eraserSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; = cursorLocation[1] + canvas.offsetTop - eraserSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; //hide brush preview outside of canvas / canvas view if ( == 'drawingCanvas' || == 'drawingCanvas') = 'visible'; else = 'hidden'; //draw line to current pixel if (dragging) { if ( == 'drawingCanvas' || == 'drawingCanvas') { line(Math.floor(lastPos[0]/zoom),Math.floor(lastPos[1]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/zoom), eraserSize); lastPos = cursorLocation; } } } else if (currentTool == 'rectangle') { //move the brush preview = cursorLocation[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - rectangleSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; = cursorLocation[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - rectangleSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; //hide brush preview outside of canvas / canvas view if ( == 'drawingCanvas'|| == 'drawingCanvas') = 'visible'; else = 'hidden'; if (!isDrawingRect && dragging) { startRectDrawing(mouseEvent); } else if (dragging){ updateRectDrawing(mouseEvent); } } else if (currentTool == 'pan' && dragging) { // Setting first layer position setCanvasOffset(layers[0].canvas, layers[0].canvas.offsetLeft + (cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0]), layers[0].canvas.offsetTop + (cursorLocation[1] - lastPos[1])); // Copying that position to the other layers for (let i=1; i127) eyedropperPreview.classList.remove('dark'); else eyedropperPreview.classList.add('dark'); } else if (currentTool == 'resize-brush' && dragging) { //get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0]; //var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); //this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be var brushSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); var newBrushSize = prevBrushSize + brushSizeChange; //set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1 pencilSize = Math.max(1,newBrushSize); //fix offset so the cursor stays centered = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - pencilSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - pencilSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; updateCursor(); } else if (currentTool == 'resize-eraser' && dragging) { //get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0]; //var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); //this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be var eraserSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); var newEraserSizeChange = prevEraserSize + eraserSizeChange; //set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1 eraserSize = Math.max(1,newEraserSizeChange); //fix offset so the cursor stays centered = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - eraserSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - eraserSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; updateCursor(); } else if (currentTool == 'resize-rectangle' && dragging) { //get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0]; //var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); //this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be var rectangleSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10); var newRectangleSize = prevRectangleSize + rectangleSizeChange; //set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1 rectangleSize = Math.max(1,newRectangleSize); //fix offset so the cursor stays centered = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - rectangleSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - rectangleSize * zoom / 2 + 'px'; updateCursor(); } else if (currentTool == 'rectselect') { if (dragging && !isRectSelecting) { isRectSelecting = true; startRectSelection(mouseEvent); } else if (dragging && isRectSelecting) { updateRectSelection(mouseEvent); } } else if (currentTool == 'moveselection') { // Updating the cursor (move if inside rect, cross if not) updateCursor(); // If I'm dragging, I move the preview if (dragging && cursorInSelectedArea()) { updateMovePreview(mouseEvent); } } } //mousewheel scrroll canvasView.addEventListener("wheel", function(mouseEvent){ if (currentTool == 'zoom' || mouseEvent.altKey) { let mode; if (mouseEvent.deltaY < 0){ mode = 'in'; } else if (mouseEvent.deltaY > 0) { mode = 'out'; } // Changing zoom and position of the first layer changeZoom(layers[0], mode, getCursorPosition(mouseEvent)) for (let i=1; i