class MagicWandTool extends SelectionTool { constructor (name, options, switchFunc, moveTool) { super(name, options, switchFunc, moveTool); Events.on('click', this.mainButton, switchFunc, this); this.resetTutorial(); this.addTutorialTitle("Magic wand tool"); this.addTutorialKey("W", " to select the magic wand tool"); this.addTutorialKey("Left click", " to select a contiguous area"); this.addTutorialKey("Esc", " to cancel a selection"); this.addTutorialKey("Click", " outside the selection to cancel it"); this.addTutorialKey("CTRL+C", " to copy a selection"); this.addTutorialKey("CTRL+V", " to paste a selection"); this.addTutorialKey("CTRL+X", " to cut a selection"); this.addTutorialImg("/magicwand-tutorial.gif"); } onEnd(mousePos, mouseTarget) { super.onStart(mousePos, mouseTarget); if (Util.isChildOfByClass(mouseTarget, "editor-top-menu") || !Util.cursorInCanvas(currFile.canvasSize, [mousePos[0]/currFile.zoom, mousePos[1]/currFile.zoom])) return; ////console.log('this.moveTool === ',this.moveTool); this.switchFunc(this.moveTool); this.moveTool.setSelectionData(this.getSelection(), this); } getSelection() { let coords = [Math.floor(this.endMousePos[0]), Math.floor(this.endMousePos[1])]; let data = currFile.currentLayer.context.getImageData(0, 0, currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]).data; let index = (coords[1] * currFile.canvasSize[0] + coords[0]) * 4; let color = [data[index], data[index+1], data[index+2], data[index+3]]; let selectedData = new ImageData(currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]); this.visit([Math.floor(this.endMousePos[0]), Math.floor(this.endMousePos[1])], this.currSelection, data, color); for (const pixel in this.currSelection) { let coords = [parseInt(pixel.split(",")[0]), parseInt(pixel.split(",")[1])]; let index = (currFile.canvasSize[0] * coords[1] + coords[0]) * 4; selectedData[index] = color[0]; selectedData[index+1] = color[1]; selectedData[index+2] = color[2]; selectedData[index+3] = color[3]; this.updateBoundingBox(coords[0], coords[1]); } this.outlineData = new ImageData(currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]); this.previewData = selectedData; this.drawSelectedArea(); this.boundingBoxCenter = [ this.boundingBox.minX + (this.boundingBox.maxX - this.boundingBox.minX) / 2, this.boundingBox.minY + (this.boundingBox.maxY - this.boundingBox.minY) / 2 ]; // Cut the selection this.cutSelection(); // Put it on the TMP layer currFile.TMPLayer.context.putImageData(this.previewData, 0, 0); // Draw the bounding box this.drawBoundingBox(1, 1); return selectedData; } visit(pixel, selected, data, color) { let toVisit = [pixel]; let visited = []; while (toVisit.length > 0) { pixel = toVisit.pop(); visited[pixel] = true; let col = Util.getPixelColor(data, pixel[0], pixel[1], currFile.canvasSize[0]); if (col[0] == color[0] && col[1] == color[1] && col[2] == color[2] && col[3] == color[3]) selected[pixel] = true; else continue; let top, bottom, left, right; if (pixel[1] > 0) top = [pixel[0], pixel[1] - 1]; else top = undefined; if (pixel[0] > 0) left = [pixel[0] - 1, pixel[1]]; else left = undefined; if (pixel[1] < currFile.canvasSize[1]) bottom = [pixel[0], pixel[1] + 1]; else bottom = undefined; if (pixel[0] < currFile.canvasSize[0]) right = [pixel[0] + 1, pixel[1]]; else right = undefined; if (right != undefined && visited[right] == undefined) toVisit.push(right); if (left != undefined && visited[left] == undefined) toVisit.push(left); if (top != undefined && visited[top] == undefined) toVisit.push(top); if (bottom != undefined && visited[bottom] == undefined) toVisit.push(bottom); } return selected; } }