# Lospec Pixel Editor This is a browser based software for creating pixel art The tool can be viewed online here: https://lospec.com/pixel-editor ## What to Contribute Any changes that fix bugs or add features are welcome. The next version is mostly focused on adding missing essential features and porting to mobile. Suggestions / Planned features: - Line tool - Resize sprite - Load palette from LPE file - Move colours in (advanced) palette editor - Symmetry options - Custom color picker - custom code without dependencies - more features such as sliders / color modes - Mobile - Touch equivalent for mouse clicks - Hide or scale ui - Maybe rearrange UI on portrait - Stack colors when too many - Fix popups - Pixel Grid - Another currentLayer.canvas - Must be rescaled each zoom - Possibly add collaborate function - Bug fix - Alt + scroll broken - Polish: - Show colors which would need to be added to palette - Warning windows for wrong inputs - Hide non-hovered layers - Palette option remove unused colors - Move selection with arrows - Update pivot buttons when resizing canvas - Update borders by dragging the canvas' edges with the mouse when resizing canvas - Move the canvases so they're centered after resizing the canvas (maybe a .center() method in layer class) ## How to Contribute Requirements: you must have node.js and git installed. 1. Click **Fork** above. It will automatically create a copy of this repository and add it to your account. 2. Clone the repository to your computer. 3. Open the folder in command prompt and run **npm install** 4. Make any changes you would like to suggest. 5. In command prompt run **node build.js** which will compile it to the */build* folder, where you can make sure it works 6. Add, Commit and Push your changes to your fork. 7. On the github page for your fork, click **New Pull Request** above the file list. 8. Change the **head repository** dropdown to your fork. 9. Add a title and description explaining your changes. 10. Click create pull request. If you have any trouble, see this page: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork ## License This software may not be resold, redistributed, rehosted or otherwise conveyed to a third party.