var isRectSelecting = false; let startX; let startY; let endX; let endY; function startRectSelection(mouseEvent) { // Putting the vfx layer on top of everything = MAX_Z_INDEX; // Saving the start coords of the rect let cursorPos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); startX = Math.round(cursorPos[0] / zoom) + 0.5; startY = Math.round(cursorPos[1] / zoom) + 0.5; // Avoiding external selections if (startX < 0) { startX = 0; } else if (startX > currentLayer.canvas.width) { startX = currentLayer.canvas.width; } if (startY < 0) { startY = 0; } else if (startY > currentLayer.canvas.height) { startY = currentLayer.canvas.height; } // Drawing the rect drawRect(startX, startY); } function updateRectSelection(mouseEvent) { let pos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); // Drawing the rect drawRect(Math.round(pos[0] / zoom) + 0.5, Math.round(pos[1] / zoom) + 0.5); } function endRectSelection(mouseEvent) { // Getting the end position let currentPos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent); endX = Math.round(currentPos[0] / zoom); endY = Math.round(currentPos[1] / zoom); // Inverting end and start (start must always be the top left corner) if (endX < startX) { let tmp = endX; endX = startX; startX = tmp; } // Same for the y if (endY < startY) { let tmp = endY; endY = startY; startY = tmp; } // Resetting this isRectSelecting = false; // Getting the selected pixels imageDataToMove = currentLayer.context.getImageData(startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY); currentLayer.context.clearRect(startX, startY, endX - startX - 1, endY - startY - 1); // Moving those pixels from the current layer to the tmp layer TMPLayer.context.putImageData(imageDataToMove, startX, startY); // Selecting the move tool currentTool = 'moveselection'; currentToolTemp = currentTool; // Updating the cursor updateCursor(); //currentLayer.context.putImageData(imageData, startX, startY); } function drawRect(x, y) { console.log("Currently selecting"); // Getting the vfx context let vfxContext = VFXCanvas.getContext("2d"); // Clearing the vfx canvas vfxContext.clearRect(0, 0, VFXCanvas.width, VFXCanvas.height); vfxContext.lineWidth = 1; vfxContext.strokeStyle = "black"; vfxContext.setLineDash([4]); // Drawing the rect vfxContext.beginPath(); vfxContext.rect(startX, startY, x - startX, y - startY); vfxContext.stroke(); // TODO: make the rect blink from black to white in case of dark backgrounds } function applyChanges() { = MIN_Z_INDEX; } // Checks whether the pointer is inside the selected area or not function cursorInSelectedArea() { let cursorPos = getCursorPosition(currentMouseEvent); let x = cursorPos[0] / zoom; let y = cursorPos[1] / zoom; let leftX = Math.min(startX, endX); let rightX = Math.max(startX, endX); let topY = Math.max(startY, endY); let bottomY = Math.min(startY, endY); // ISSUE: is it <= or