class MoveSelectionTool extends DrawingTool { currSelection = undefined; selectionTool = undefined; endTool = undefined; switchFunc = undefined; lastCopiedSelection = undefined; cutting = false; constructor (name, options, switchFunc, endTool) { super(name, options, switchFunc); this.switchFunc = switchFunc; this.endTool = endTool; Events.onCustom("esc-pressed", this.endSelection.bind(this)); Events.onCustom("ctrl+c", this.copySelection.bind(this)); Events.onCustom("ctrl+x", this.cutSelection.bind(this)); Events.onCustom("ctrl+v", this.pasteSelection.bind(this)); } copySelection() { this.lastCopiedSelection = this.currSelection; this.cutting = false; } cutSelection() { if (currFile.currentLayer.isLocked) return; this.cutting = true; this.lastCopiedSelection = this.currSelection; this.endSelection(); this.currSelection = this.lastCopiedSelection; // Cut the data this.selectionTool.cutSelection(); } pasteSelection() { if (currFile.currentLayer.isLocked) return; if (this.lastCopiedSelection === undefined) return; // Finish the current selection and start a new one with the same data if (!this.cutting) { this.endSelection(); } this.cutting = false; this.switchFunc(this); this.currSelection = this.lastCopiedSelection; // Putting the vfx layer on top of everything = MAX_Z_INDEX; this.onDrag(this.currMousePos); new HistoryState().EditCanvas(); } onStart(mousePos, mouseTarget) { super.onStart(mousePos, mouseTarget); if (!this.selectionTool.cursorInSelectedArea(mousePos) && !Util.isChildOfByClass(mouseTarget, "editor-top-menu")) { this.endSelection(); } } onDrag(mousePos) { super.onDrag(mousePos); this.currSelection = this.selectionTool.moveAnts(mousePos[0]/currFile.zoom, mousePos[1]/currFile.zoom, this.currSelection.width, this.currSelection.height); // clear the entire tmp layer currFile.TMPLayer.context.clearRect(0, 0, currFile.TMPLayer.canvas.width, currFile.TMPLayer.canvas.height); // put the image data on the tmp layer with offset currFile.TMPLayer.context.putImageData(, Math.round(mousePos[0] / currFile.zoom) - this.currSelection.width / 2, Math.round(mousePos[1] / currFile.zoom) - this.currSelection.height / 2); } onEnd(mousePos) { super.onEnd(mousePos); } onSelect() { super.onSelect(); } onDeselect() { super.onDeselect(); } setSelectionData(data, tool) { this.currSelection = data; this.selectionTool = tool; this.firstTimeMove = true; } onHover(mousePos) { super.onHover(mousePos); if (this.selectionTool.cursorInSelectedArea(mousePos)) { = 'move'; } else { = 'default'; } } endSelection() { if (this.currSelection == undefined) return; this.currSelection = undefined; this.selectionTool.pasteSelection(); // Switch to brush this.switchFunc(this.endTool); } }