const EditorState = (() => { let pixelEditorMode = "Basic"; let firstFile = true; Events.on('click', 'switch-editor-mode-splash', chooseMode); Events.on('click', 'switch-mode-button', toggleMode); function getCurrentMode() { return pixelEditorMode; } function switchMode(newMode, skipConfirm = false) { ////console.trace(); const switchText = 'Switching to basic mode will flatten all the visible layers. Are you sure you want to continue?'; if (!firstFile && newMode == "Basic" && !skipConfirm && !confirm(switchText)) { return; } //switch to advanced mode if (newMode == 'Advanced') { Events.emit("switchedToAdvanced"); // Hide the palette menu document.getElementById('colors-menu').style.right = '200px' pixelEditorMode = 'Advanced'; document.getElementById("switch-mode-button").innerHTML = 'Switch to basic mode'; } //switch to basic mode else { Events.emit("switchedToBasic"); // Show the palette menu document.getElementById('colors-menu').style.display = 'flex'; // Move the palette menu document.getElementById('colors-menu').style.right = '0px'; pixelEditorMode = 'Basic'; document.getElementById("switch-mode-button").innerHTML = 'Switch to advanced mode'; } } function chooseMode() { let prevMode = pixelEditorMode.toLowerCase(); if (pixelEditorMode === "Basic") { pixelEditorMode = "Advanced"; } else { pixelEditorMode = "Basic"; } //change splash text document.querySelector('#sp-quickstart-container .mode-switcher').classList.remove(prevMode + '-mode'); document.querySelector('#sp-quickstart-container .mode-switcher').classList.add(pixelEditorMode.toLowerCase() + '-mode'); } function toggleMode() { if (pixelEditorMode == 'Advanced') switchMode('Basic'); else switchMode('Advanced'); } function documentCreated() { return !firstFile; } function firstPixel() { return firstFile; } function created() { firstFile = false; } return { getCurrentMode, switchMode, documentCreated, created, firstPixel } })();