//init variables var canvasSize; var zoom = 7; var dragging = false; var lastMouseClickPos = [0,0]; var dialogueOpen = false; var documentCreated = false; var pixelEditorMode = "Advanced"; //common elements var brushPreview = document.getElementById("brush-preview"); var eyedropperPreview = document.getElementById("eyedropper-preview"); var canvasView = document.getElementById("canvas-view"); var colors = document.getElementsByClassName("color-button"); var colorsMenu = document.getElementById("colors-menu"); var popUpContainer = document.getElementById("pop-up-container"); // main canvas var canvas = document.getElementById('pixel-canvas'); var currentGlobalColor; // Layers var layers = []; // Currently selected layer var currentLayer; // VFX layer used to draw previews of the selection and things like that var VFXLayer; // VFX canvas var VFXCanvas = document.getElementById('vfx-canvas'); // TMP layer var TMPLayer; // TMP canvas var TMPCanvas = document.getElementById('tmp-canvas'); // Pixel grid layer var pixelGrid; // Pixel grid canvas var pixelGridCanvas; // Index of the first layer the user can use in the layers array var firstUserLayerIndex = 2; // Number of layers that are only used by the editor var nAppLayers = 3;