Hi! Welcome to the latest version of the Pixel Editor. It's been quite a while! Most of the changes happened behind
the scenes: we worked very hard to refactor the code, make it a bit more modern and scalable so that contributions will,
hopefully, be easier to make.
We have some good news for users as well!
Pixel Grid
I've worked a bit on the pixel grid to make it look a bit better and less intrusive when zooming in. You can see the
difference in behaviour between the new grid (left) and the old grid (right) in the image below.
In addition, the pixel grid will now automatically be hidden when the zoom level becomes too low: in that way looking at big
sprites becomes a lot less performance-heavy and it doesn't cause lag.
Quality of life
I've added some quality of life improvements, sometimes subtle (maybe you won't notice but you'd have definitely noticed
the absence of them), sometimes a bit more noticeable. For example:
- It's now possible to delete a layer by selecting it and hitting "DEL"
- When adding a colour to the palette, it is automatically selected
- Thanks to NSSure, you can now select a name for your exported / saved project
- The brush preview should now be less intrusive while still being visible
Important bug fixes
A lot of nasty bugs have been fixed! Please, if you know more we aren't aware of,
feel free to open an issue or make a pull request.
- Fixed the bug that caused file corruptions
- Fixed fill tool not working and creating hundreds of similar colours in certain browsers
- Fixed the build procedure for Windows
- Fixed the editor ignoring the scale factor when exporting
End of log
That's all for this update! We have some cool things planned for the near future, so stay tuned :)
- Unsettled
P.S.: we're always looking for contributors! Join the Lospec discord to get in touch!