const Startup = (() => { let splashPostfix = ''; let cacheIntervalIdx; Events.on('click', 'create-button', create, false); Events.on('click', 'create-button-splash', create, true); function create(isSplash) { // If I'm creating from the splash menu, I append '-splash' so I get the corresponding values if (isSplash) splashPostfix = '-splash'; else splashPostfix = ''; var width = Util.getValue('size-width' + splashPostfix); var height = Util.getValue('size-height' + splashPostfix); var selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button' + splashPostfix); newPixel(FileManager.defaultLPE(width,height)); resetInput(); //track google event if (typeof ga !== 'undefined') ga('send', 'event', 'Pixel Editor New', selectedPalette, width+'/'+height); /*global ga*/ } /** Creates a new, empty file * * @param {*} lpe If lpe != null, then the newPixel is being called from the open menu * @param {*} skipModeConfirm If skipModeConfirm == true, then the mode switching confirmation will be skipped */ function newPixel (lpe = null, skipModeConfirm = false) { console.log('called newPixel'); console.trace(); // The palette is empty, at the beginning ColorModule.resetPalette(); initLayers(lpe); initPalette(); // Closing the "New Pixel dialogue" Dialogue.closeDialogue(); // Updating the cursor of the current tool ToolManager.currentTool().updateCursor(); // The user is now able to export the Pixel document.getElementById('export-button').classList.remove('disabled'); if (lpe != null) { FileManager.loadFromLPE(lpe); } ////console.log('ColorModule.getCurrentPalette() === ',ColorModule.getCurrentPalette()); EditorState.switchMode(EditorState.getCurrentMode(), skipModeConfirm); // This is not the first Pixel anymore EditorState.created(); ////console.log('ColorModule.getCurrentPalette() === ',ColorModule.getCurrentPalette()); ////console.trace(); } function clearLayers() { console.dir(currFile.layers); for(let i = currFile.layers.length-1; i >= 0;i--) { currFile.layers[i].delete(i); } console.dir(currFile.layers); for(let i = currFile.sublayers.length-1; i >= 0;i--) { currFile.sublayers[i].delete(i); } } function initLayers(lpe) { //'called initLayers'); //console.log('currFile.layers === ',currFile.layers); const width = lpe.canvasWidth = Number(lpe.canvasWidth); const height = lpe.canvasHeight = Number(lpe.canvasHeight); clearLayers(); // debugger; // currFile.canvasSize = [width, height]; console.log('lpe === ',lpe); if( lpe.layers && lpe.layers.length ) { currFile.currentLayer = new Layer(width, height, `pixel-canvas`,"","layer-li-template"); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.currentLayer); let selectedIdx = lpe.selectedLayer ?? 0; lpe.layers.forEach((layerData, i) => { //console.log('lpe.layers[i] === ', i); const _i = lpe.layers.length - i; let layerImage = layerData.src; if (layerData != null) { // Setting id let createdLayer = LayerList.addLayer(, false,; if(i===selectedIdx)createdLayer.selectLayer(); // Setting name createdLayer.menuEntry.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML =; // Adding the image (I can do that because they're sorted by increasing z-index) let img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { createdLayer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); createdLayer.updateLayerPreview(); }; img.src = layerImage; // Setting visibility and lock options if (!layerData.isVisible) { createdLayer.hide(); } if (layerData.isLocked) { createdLayer.lock(); } } }); } else { currFile.currentLayer = new Layer(width, height, `pixel-canvas`,""); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.currentLayer); const defaultLayerId = "layer0"; const defaultLayerName = "Layer 0"; let createdLayer = LayerList.addLayer(defaultLayerId, false, defaultLayerName); createdLayer.selectLayer(); // Setting name createdLayer.menuEntry.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = defaultLayerName; } // Adding the checkerboard behind it currFile.checkerBoard = new Checkerboard(width, height, null); // Pixel grid ////console.log("CREATED GRID"); currFile.pixelGrid = new PixelGrid(width, height, "pixel-grid"); // Creating the vfx layer on top of everything currFile.VFXLayer = new Layer(width, height, 'vfx-canvas'); // Tmp layer to draw previews on currFile.TMPLayer = new Layer(width, height, 'tmp-canvas'); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.checkerBoard); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.TMPLayer); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.pixelGrid); currFile.sublayers.push(currFile.VFXLayer); LayerList.refreshZ(); } function initPalette() { // Get selected palette let selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button' + splashPostfix); //remove current palette let colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button'); while (colors.length > 0) { colors[0].parentElement.remove(); } // If the user selected a palette and isn't opening a file, I load the selected palette if (selectedPalette != 'Choose a palette...') { if (selectedPalette === 'Loaded palette') { ColorModule.createColorPalette(palettes['Loaded palette'].colors); } else { //if this palette isnt the one specified in the url, then reset the url if (!palettes[selectedPalette].specified) history.pushState(null, null, '/pixel-editor'); //fill the palette with specified colours ColorModule.createColorPalette(palettes[selectedPalette].colors); } } // Otherwise, I just generate 2 semirandom colours else { //this wasn't a specified palette, so reset the url history.pushState(null, null, '/pixel-editor'); //generate default colors var fg = new Color("hsv", Math.floor(Math.random()*360), 50, 50).rgb; var bg = new Color("hsv", Math.floor(Math.random()*360), 80, 100).rgb; //convert colors to hex var defaultForegroundColor = Color.rgbToHex(fg); var defaultBackgroundColor = Color.rgbToHex(bg); //add colors to palette ColorModule.addColor(defaultForegroundColor).classList.add('selected'); ColorModule.addColor(defaultBackgroundColor); //set current drawing color as foreground color ColorModule.updateCurrentColor('#'+defaultForegroundColor); selectedPalette = 'none'; } } function resetInput() { //reset new form Util.setValue('size-width', 64); Util.setValue('size-height', 64); Util.setText('palette-button', 'Choose a palette...'); Util.setText('preset-button', 'Choose a preset...'); } function newFromTemplate(preset, x, y) { if (preset != '') { const presetProperties = PresetModule.propertiesOf(preset); Util.setText('palette-button-splash', presetProperties.palette); Util.setText('palette-button', presetProperties.palette); x = presetProperties.width; y = presetProperties.height; } newPixel(FileManager.defaultLPE(x,y)); } function splashEditorMode(mode) { editorMode = mode; } return { create, newPixel, newFromTemplate, splashEditorMode } })();