pxlvxl f499662afc Various changes
- added `/:paletteSlug/:resolution` functionality for localhost testing
	- created `currFile.sublayers` for *things that should zoom with the canvas layers*
	- `currFile.layers` now solely contains the canvas layers
	- added `getProjectData` to `FileManager`'s exported methods
	- added `FileManager.localStorageSave` (it's basically just: localStorage.setItem("lpe-cache",FileManager.getProjectData()))
	- added `FileManager.localStorageCheck` (it's basically just: `!!localStorage.getItem("lpe-cache")`)
	- added `FileManager.localStorageLoad` (it's basically just: `return localStorage.getItem("lpe-cache")`)
	- added `FileManager.localStorageReset` (for debugging purity)
	- calling `FileManager.localStorageSave()` on mouse up (we should stress test this)
	- changed lpe file format to `{canvasWidth:number,canvasHeight:number,selectedLayer:number,colors:[],layers:[]}`
	- added backward compatibility for the old lpe file format
	- added some canvas utility functions in `canvas_util`
	- added Unsettled's color similarity utility functions in `color_util2`
	- html boilerplate - wang tiles
	- POC - tiny text boilerplate
	- POC - tiny text font scraper
	- WIP - added two optional url route parameters `/:paletteSlug/:resolution/:prefillWidth/:prefillBinaryStr`
	- WIP POC - hbs_parser.js (outputs tree data about hbs file relationships)
2022-02-23 11:36:15 -05:00

89 lines
2.6 KiB

/** Handles the pop up windows (NewPixel, ResizeCanvas ecc)
const Dialogue = (() => {
let currentOpenDialogue = "";
let dialogueOpen = true;
const popUpContainer = document.getElementById("pop-up-container") ?? document.createElement("div");
const cancelButtons = popUpContainer.getElementsByClassName('close-button');
Events.onCustom("esc-pressed", closeDialogue);
// Add click handlers for all cancel buttons
for (var i = 0; i < cancelButtons.length; i++) {
cancelButtons[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
/** Closes a dialogue window if the user clicks everywhere but in the current window
popUpContainer.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target == popUpContainer)
/** Shows the dialogue window called dialogueName, which is a child of pop-up-container in pixel-editor.hbs
* @param {*} dialogueName The name of the window to show
* @param {*} trackEvent Should I track the GA event?
function showDialogue (dialogueName, trackEvent) {
if (typeof trackEvent === 'undefined') trackEvent = true;
// Updating currently open dialogue
currentOpenDialogue = dialogueName;
// The pop up window is open
dialogueOpen = true;
// Showing the pop up container
popUpContainer.style.display = 'block';
// Showing the window
document.getElementById(dialogueName).style.display = 'block';
// If I'm opening the palette window, I initialize the colour picker
if (dialogueName == 'palette-block' && EditorState.documentCreated()) {
//track google event
if (trackEvent && typeof ga !== 'undefined')
ga('send', 'event', 'Palette Editor Dialogue', dialogueName); /*global ga*/
/** Closes the current dialogue by hiding the window and the pop-up-container
function closeDialogue () {
popUpContainer.style.display = 'none';
var popups = popUpContainer.children;
for (var i = 0; i < popups.length; i++) {
popups[i].style.display = 'none';
dialogueOpen = false;
if (currentOpenDialogue == "palette-block") {
function isOpen() {
return dialogueOpen;
return {
////console.log("Dialog: " + Dialogue);