2021-07-18 10:03:46 -05:00

252 lines
8.8 KiB

const Startup = (() => {
let firstPixel = true;
let splashPostfix = '';
Input.on('click', 'create-button', create, false);
Input.on('click', 'create-button-splash', create, true);
function create(isSplash) {
// If I'm creating from the splash menu, I append '-splash' so I get the corresponding values
if (isSplash) {
splashPostfix = '-splash';
else {
splashPostfix = '';
console.log("New pixel");
var width = Util.getValue('size-width' + splashPostfix);
var height = Util.getValue('size-height' + splashPostfix);
var selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button' + splashPostfix);
newPixel(width, height);
// If I'm not creating from the splash page, then this is not the first project I've created
if (!isSplash)
document.getElementById('new-pixel-warning').style.display = 'block';
//track google event
if (typeof ga !== 'undefined')
ga('send', 'event', 'Pixel Editor New', selectedPalette, width+'/'+height); /*global ga*/
/** Creates a new, empty file
* @param {*} width Start width of the canvas
* @param {*} height Start height of the canvas
* @param {*} fileContent If fileContent != null, then the newPixel is being called from the open menu
function newPixel (width, height, fileContent = null) {
// The palette is empty, at the beginning
initLayers(width, height);
//fill background of canvas with bg color
// Closing the "New Pixel dialogue"
// Updating the cursor of the current tool
// The user is now able to export the Pixel
documentCreated = true;
// This is not the first Pixel anymore
firstPixel = false;
// Now, if I opened an LPE file
if (fileContent != null) {
// Deleting the default layer
function initLayers(width, height) {
// If this is the first pixel I'm creating since the app has started
if (firstPixel) {
// I configure the layers elements
layerListEntry = layerList.firstElementChild;
// Creating the first layer
currentLayer = new Layer(width, height, canvas, layerListEntry);
currentLayer.canvas.style.zIndex = 2;
else {
// Deleting all the extra layers and canvases, leaving only one
let nLayers = layers.length;
for (let i=2; i < layers.length - nAppLayers; i++) {
let currentEntry = layers[i].menuEntry;
let associatedLayer;
if (currentEntry != null) {
// Getting the associated layer
associatedLayer = getLayerByID(currentEntry.id);
// Deleting its canvas
// Adding the id to the unused ones
// Removing the entry from the menu
// Removing the old layers from the list
for (let i=2; i<nLayers - nAppLayers; i++) {
layers.splice(2, 1);
// Setting up the current layer
currentLayer = new Layer(width, height, canvas, layerListEntry);
currentLayer.canvas.style.zIndex = 2;
// Updating canvas size to the new size
for (let i=0; i<nLayers; i++) {
layers[i].canvasSize = [width, height];
// Adding the checkerboard behind it
checkerBoard = new Layer(width, height, checkerBoardCanvas);
// Creating the vfx layer on top of everything
VFXLayer = new Layer(width, height, VFXCanvas);
// Tmp layer to draw previews on
TMPLayer = new Layer(width, height, TMPCanvas);
// Pixel grid
pixelGrid = new Layer(width, height, pixelGridCanvas);
// Setting the general canvasSize
canvasSize = currentLayer.canvasSize;
if (firstPixel) {
// Cloning the entry so that when I change something on the first layer, those changes aren't
// propagated to the other ones
layerListEntry = layerListEntry.cloneNode(true);
// Adding the first layer and the checkerboard to the list of layers
function initPalette() {
// Get selected palette
let selectedPalette = Util.getText('palette-button' + splashPostfix);
//remove current palette
colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button');
while (colors.length > 0) {
// If the user selected a palette and isn't opening a file, I load the selected palette
if (selectedPalette != 'Choose a palette...') {
//if this palette isnt the one specified in the url, then reset the url
if (!palettes[selectedPalette].specified)
history.pushState(null, null, '/pixel-editor');
//fill the palette with specified colours
// Otherwise, I just generate 2 semirandom colours
else {
//this wasn't a specified palette, so reset the url
history.pushState(null, null, '/pixel-editor');
//generate default colors
var fg = new Color("hsv", Math.floor(Math.random()*360), 50, 50).rgb;
var bg = new Color("hsv", Math.floor(Math.random()*360), 80, 100).rgb;
//convert colors to hex
var defaultForegroundColor = Color.rgbToHex(fg);
var defaultBackgroundColor = Color.rgbToHex(bg);
//add colors to palette
//set current drawing color as foreground color
currentLayer.context.fillStyle = '#'+defaultForegroundColor;
currentGlobalColor = '#' + defaultForegroundColor;
selectedPalette = 'none';
function loadFromLPE(fileContent) {
// I add every layer the file had in it
for (let i=0; i<fileContent['nLayers']; i++) {
let layerData = fileContent['layer' + i];
let layerImage = fileContent['layer' + i + 'ImageData'];
if (layerData != null) {
// Setting id
let createdLayer = addLayer(layerData.id, false);
// Setting name
createdLayer.menuEntry.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = layerData.name;
// Adding the image (I can do that because they're sorted by increasing z-index)
let img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
createdLayer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
if (i == (fileContent['nLayers'] - 1)) {
img.src = layerImage;
// Setting visibility and lock options
if (!layerData.isVisible) {
if (layerData.isLocked) {
function resetInput() {
//reset new form
Util.setValue('size-width', 64);
Util.setValue('size-height', 64);
Util.setText('palette-button', 'Choose a palette...');
Util.setText('preset-button', 'Choose a preset...');
function newFromTemplate(preset, x, y) {
if (preset != '') {
const presetProperties = PresetModule.propertiesOf(preset);
Util.setText('palette-button-splash', presetProperties.palette);
Util.setText('palette-button', presetProperties.palette);
x = presetProperties.width;
y = presetProperties.height;
newPixel(x, y);
return {