unsettledgames ab4129546c Added layer move
The user can now move layers and choose which one to put on top of each other just by dragging and dropping them in the layer menu. Also fixed a bug in the eyedropper, that can now pick a colour even though the layer it's on is not selected.
2020-06-19 23:31:36 +02:00

386 lines
15 KiB

var currentMouseEvent;
// TODO: replace every position calculation with lastMousePos
var lastMousePos;
//mousedown - start drawing
window.addEventListener("mousedown", function (mouseEvent) {
// Saving the event in case something else needs it
currentMouseEvent = mouseEvent;
canDraw = true;
//if no document has been created yet, or this is a dialog open, or the currentLayer is locked
if (!documentCreated || dialogueOpen || currentLayer.isLocked) return;
//prevent right mouse clicks and such, which will open unwanted menus
lastPos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent);
dragging = true;
//left or right click ?
if (mouseEvent.which == 1) {
if (spacePressed)
currentTool = tool.pan;
else if (mouseEvent.altKey)
currentTool = tool.eyedropper;
else if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas' &&
(currentTool.name == 'pencil' || currentTool.name == 'eraser' || currentTool.name == 'rectangle'))
new HistoryStateEditCanvas();
else if (currentTool.name == 'moveselection') {
if (!cursorInSelectedArea() &&
((mouseEvent.target.id == 'canvas-view') || mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas')) {
canDraw = false;
//saveHistoryState({type: 'canvas', canvas: context.getImageData(0, 0, canvasSize[0], canvasSize[1])});
if (!currentLayer.isLocked && canDraw) {
else if (currentTool.name == 'pencil' && mouseEvent.which == 3) {
currentTool = tool.resizebrush;
tool.pencil.previousBrushSize = tool.pencil.brushSize;
else if (currentTool.name == 'eraser' && mouseEvent.which == 3) {
console.log('resize eraser')
currentTool = tool.resizeeraser;
tool.eraser.previousBrushSize = tool.eraser.brushSize;
else if (currentTool.name == 'rectangle' && mouseEvent.which == 3) {
currentTool = tool.resizerectangle;
tool.rectangle.previousBrushSize = tool.rectangle.brushSize;
if (currentTool.name == 'eyedropper' && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas')
eyedropperPreview.style.display = 'block';
return false;
}, false);
//mouseup - end drawing
window.addEventListener("mouseup", function (mouseEvent) {
// Saving the event in case something else needs it
currentMouseEvent = mouseEvent;
if (!documentCreated || dialogueOpen || currentLayer.isLocked) return;
if (currentTool.name == 'eyedropper' && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
var cursorLocation = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent);
// TODO: adjust so that if the picked colour is transparent, the underlying layer is checked
var selectedColor = getEyedropperColor(cursorLocation);
var newColor = rgbToHex(selectedColor[0],selectedColor[1],selectedColor[2]);
currentGlobalColor = "#" + newColor;
for (let i=1; i<layers.length - 1; i++) {
layers[i].context.fillStyle = currentGlobalColor;
var colors = document.getElementsByClassName('color-button');
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
//if picked color matches this color
if (newColor == colors[i].jscolor.toString()) {
console.log('color found');
//remove current color selection
var selectedColor = document.querySelector("#colors-menu li.selected")
if (selectedColor) selectedColor.classList.remove("selected");
//set current color
// TODO: set it for all the layers
context.fillStyle = '#'+newColor;
//make color selected
//hide eyedropper
eyedropperPreview.style.display = 'none';
else if (currentTool.name == 'fill' && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
//get cursor postion
var cursorLocation = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent);
//offset to match cursor point
cursorLocation[0] += 2;
cursorLocation[1] += 12;
//fill starting at the location
else if (currentTool.name == 'zoom' && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
let mode;
if (mouseEvent.which == 1){
mode = "in";
else if (currentTool == 'zoom' && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
let mode;
if (mouseEvent.which == 1){
mode = 'in';
else if (mouseEvent.which == 3){
mode = 'out';
changeZoom(layers[0], mode, getCursorPosition(mouseEvent));
for (let i=1; i<layers.length; i++) {
else if (currentTool.name == 'rectselect' && isRectSelecting) {
else if (currentTool.name == 'rectangle') {
dragging = false;
currentTool = currentToolTemp;
}, false);
// TODO: Make it snap to the pixel grid
function setPreviewPosition(preview, cursor, size){
preview.style.left = (
+ Math.floor(cursor[0]/zoom) * zoom
- Math.floor(size / 2) * zoom
) + 'px';
preview.style.top = (
+ Math.floor(cursor[1]/zoom) * zoom
- Math.floor(size / 2) * zoom
) + 'px';
// OPTIMIZABLE: redundant || mouseEvent.target.className in currentTool ifs
//mouse is moving on canvas
window.addEventListener("mousemove", draw, false);
function draw (mouseEvent) {
lastMousePos = getCursorPosition(mouseEvent);
// Saving the event in case something else needs it
currentMouseEvent = mouseEvent;
var cursorLocation = lastMousePos;
//if a document hasnt yet been created or the current layer is locked, exit this function
if (!documentCreated || dialogueOpen || currentLayer.isLocked) return;
eyedropperPreview.style.display = 'none';
if (currentTool.name == 'pencil') {
//move the brush preview
brushPreview.style.left = cursorLocation[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - tool.pencil.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = cursorLocation[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - tool.pencil.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
//hide brush preview outside of canvas / canvas view
if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas'|| mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas')
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'visible';
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'hidden';
//draw line to current pixel
if (dragging) {
if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas' || mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
line(Math.floor(lastPos[0]/zoom),Math.floor(lastPos[1]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/zoom), tool.pencil.brushSize);
lastPos = cursorLocation;
//get lightness value of color
var selectedColor = context.getImageData(Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/zoom),1,1).data;
var colorLightness = Math.max(selectedColor[0],selectedColor[1],selectedColor[2])
//for the darkest 50% of colors, change the brush preview to dark mode
if (colorLightness>127) brushPreview.classList.remove('dark');
else brushPreview.classList.add('dark');
// Decided to write a different implementation in case of differences between the brush and the eraser tool
else if (currentTool.name == 'eraser') {
// Uses the same preview as the brush
//move the brush preview
brushPreview.style.left = cursorLocation[0] + canvas.offsetLeft - currentTool.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = cursorLocation[1] + canvas.offsetTop - currentTool.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
//hide brush preview outside of canvas / canvas view
if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas' || mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas')
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'visible';
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'hidden';
//draw line to current pixel
if (dragging) {
if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas' || mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
line(Math.floor(lastPos[0]/zoom),Math.floor(lastPos[1]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/zoom),Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/zoom), currentTool.brushSize);
lastPos = cursorLocation;
else if (currentTool.name == 'rectangle')
//move the brush preview
brushPreview.style.left = cursorLocation[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - currentTool.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = cursorLocation[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - currentTool.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
//hide brush preview outside of canvas / canvas view
if (mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas'|| mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas')
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'visible';
brushPreview.style.visibility = 'hidden';
if (!isDrawingRect && dragging) {
else if (dragging){
else if (currentTool.name == 'pan' && dragging) {
// Setting first layer position
setCanvasOffset(layers[0].canvas, layers[0].canvas.offsetLeft + (cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0]), layers[0].canvas.offsetTop + (cursorLocation[1] - lastPos[1]));
// Copying that position to the other layers
for (let i=1; i<layers.length; i++) {
else if (currentTool.name == 'eyedropper' && dragging && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
let selectedColor = getEyedropperColor(cursorLocation);
eyedropperPreview.style.borderColor = '#'+rgbToHex(selectedColor[0],selectedColor[1],selectedColor[2]);
eyedropperPreview.style.display = 'block';
eyedropperPreview.style.left = cursorLocation[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - 30 + 'px';
eyedropperPreview.style.top = cursorLocation[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - 30 + 'px';
var colorLightness = Math.max(selectedColor[0],selectedColor[1],selectedColor[2]);
//for the darkest 50% of colors, change the eyedropper preview to dark mode
if (colorLightness>127) eyedropperPreview.classList.remove('dark');
else eyedropperPreview.classList.add('dark');
else if (currentTool.name == 'resizebrush' && dragging) {
//get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location
var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0];
//var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
//this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be
var brushSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
var newBrushSize = tool.pencil.previousBrushSize + brushSizeChange;
//set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1
tool.pencil.brushSize = Math.max(1,newBrushSize);
//fix offset so the cursor stays centered
brushPreview.style.left = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - tool.pencil.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - tool.pencil.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
else if (currentTool.name == 'resizeeraser' && dragging) {
//get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location
var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0];
//var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
//this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be
var eraserSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
var newEraserSizeChange = tool.eraser.previousBrushSize + eraserSizeChange;
//set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1
tool.eraser.brushSize = Math.max(1,newEraserSizeChange);
//fix offset so the cursor stays centered
brushPreview.style.left = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - tool.eraser.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - tool.eraser.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
else if (currentTool.name == 'resizerectangle' && dragging) {
//get new brush size based on x distance from original clicking location
var distanceFromClick = cursorLocation[0] - lastPos[0];
//var roundingAmount = 20 - Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
//this doesnt work in reverse... because... it's not basing it off of the brush size which it should be
var rectangleSizeChange = Math.round(distanceFromClick/10);
var newRectangleSize = tool.rectangle.previousBrushSize + rectangleSizeChange;
//set the brush to the new size as long as its bigger than 1
tool.rectangle.brushSize = Math.max(1,newRectangleSize);
//fix offset so the cursor stays centered
brushPreview.style.left = lastPos[0] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetLeft - tool.rectangle.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
brushPreview.style.top = lastPos[1] + currentLayer.canvas.offsetTop - tool.rectangle.brushSize * zoom / 2 + 'px';
else if (currentTool.name == 'rectselect') {
if (dragging && !isRectSelecting && mouseEvent.target.className == 'drawingCanvas') {
isRectSelecting = true;
console.log("cominciata selezione su " + mouseEvent.target.className);
else if (dragging && isRectSelecting) {
else if (isRectSelecting) {
else if (currentTool.name == 'moveselection') {
// Updating the cursor (move if inside rect, cross if not)
// If I'm dragging, I move the preview
if (dragging && cursorInSelectedArea()) {
//mousewheel scrroll
canvasView.addEventListener("wheel", function(mouseEvent){
if (currentTool.name == 'zoom' || mouseEvent.altKey) {
let mode;
if (mouseEvent.deltaY < 0){
mode = 'in';
else if (mouseEvent.deltaY > 0) {
mode = 'out';
// Changing zoom and position of the first layer
changeZoom(layers[0], mode, getCursorPosition(mouseEvent));
for (let i=1; i<layers.length; i++) {
// Copying first layer's data into the other layers