
181 lines
6.9 KiB

class FillTool extends DrawingTool {
constructor(name, options, switchFunction) {
super(name, options);
Events.on('click', this.mainButton, switchFunction, this);
this.addTutorialTitle("Fill tool");
this.addTutorialKey("F", " to select the fill tool");
this.addTutorialKey("Left click", " to fill a contiguous area");
onStart(mousePos, target) {
this.startMousePos[0] = Math.floor(mousePos[0]) + 0.5;
this.startMousePos[1] = Math.floor(mousePos[1]) + 0.5;
if (target.className != 'drawingCanvas')
new HistoryState().EditCanvas();
let midX = (currFile.canvasSize[0] / 2);
let midY = (currFile.canvasSize[1] / 2);
let x0 = Math.floor(this.startMousePos[0]/currFile.zoom);
let y0 = Math.floor(this.startMousePos[1]/currFile.zoom);
let mirrorX, mirrorY;
if (currFile.hSymmetricLayer.isEnabled) {
if (y0 <= midY) {
mirrorY = Math.floor(midY + Math.abs(midY - y0));
} else {
mirrorY = Math.floor(midY - Math.abs(midY - y0));
let symmetryPos = [mousePos[0], mirrorY * currFile.zoom];
if (currFile.vSymmetricLayer.isEnabled) {
if (x0 <= midX) {
mirrorX = Math.floor(midX + Math.abs(midX - x0));
} else {
mirrorX = Math.floor(midX - Math.abs(midX - x0));
let symmetryPos = [mirrorX * currFile.zoom, mousePos[1]];
if (currFile.hSymmetricLayer.isEnabled && currFile.vSymmetricLayer.isEnabled) {
let symmetryPos = [mirrorX * currFile.zoom, mirrorY * currFile.zoom];
static fill(cursorLocation, context) {
//changes a pixels color
function colorPixel(tempImage, pixelPos, fillColor) {
tempImage.data[pixelPos] = fillColor.r;
tempImage.data[pixelPos + 1] = fillColor.g;
tempImage.data[pixelPos + 2] = fillColor.b;
tempImage.data[pixelPos + 3] = 255;
//change x y to color value passed from the function and use that as the original color
function matchStartColor(tempImage, pixelPos, color) {
let r = tempImage.data[pixelPos];
let g = tempImage.data[pixelPos + 1];
let b = tempImage.data[pixelPos + 2];
let a = tempImage.data[pixelPos + 3];
//console.log(r == color[0] && g == color[1] && b == color[2]);
return (r == color[0] && g == color[1] && b == color[2] && a == color[3]);
if (context == undefined)
context = currFile.currentLayer.context;
//temporary image holds the data while we change it
let tempImage = context.getImageData(0, 0, currFile.canvasSize[0], currFile.canvasSize[1]);
//this is an array that holds all of the pixels at the top of the cluster
let topmostPixelsArray = [[Math.floor(cursorLocation[0]/currFile.zoom), Math.floor(cursorLocation[1]/currFile.zoom)]];
//the offset of the pixel in the temp image data to start with
let startingPosition = (topmostPixelsArray[0][1] * currFile.canvasSize[0] + topmostPixelsArray[0][0]) * 4;
//the color of the cluster that is being filled
let clusterColor = [tempImage.data[startingPosition],tempImage.data[startingPosition+1],tempImage.data[startingPosition+2], tempImage.data[startingPosition+3]];
//the color to fill with
let fillColor = Color.hexToRgb(context.fillStyle);
//if you try to fill with the same color that's already there, exit the function
if (clusterColor[0] == fillColor.r &&
clusterColor[1] == fillColor.g &&
clusterColor[2] == fillColor.b &&
clusterColor[3] != 0) {
//loop until there are no more values left in this array
while (topmostPixelsArray.length) {
let reachLeft, reachRight;
//move the most recent pixel from the array and set it as our current working pixels
let currentPixel = topmostPixelsArray.pop();
//set the values of this pixel to x/y variables just for readability
let x = currentPixel[0];
let y = currentPixel[1];
//this variable holds the index of where the starting values for the current pixel are in the data array
//we multiply the number of rows down (y) times the width of each row, then add x. at the end we multiply by 4 because
//each pixel has 4 values, rgba
let pixelPos = (y * currFile.canvasSize[0] + x) * 4;
//move up in the image until you reach the top or the pixel you hit was not the right color
while (y-- >= 0 && matchStartColor(tempImage, pixelPos, clusterColor)) {
pixelPos -= currFile.canvasSize[0] * 4;
pixelPos += currFile.canvasSize[0] * 4;
reachLeft = false;
reachRight = false;
while (y++ < currFile.canvasSize[1] - 1 && matchStartColor(tempImage, pixelPos, clusterColor)) {
colorPixel(tempImage, pixelPos, fillColor);
if (x > 0) {
if (matchStartColor(tempImage, pixelPos - 4, clusterColor)) {
if (!reachLeft) {
topmostPixelsArray.push([x - 1, y]);
reachLeft = true;
else if (reachLeft) {
reachLeft = false;
if (x < currFile.canvasSize[0] - 1) {
if (matchStartColor(tempImage, pixelPos + 4, clusterColor)) {
if (!reachRight) {
topmostPixelsArray.push([x + 1, y]);
reachRight = true;
else if (reachRight) {
reachRight = false;
pixelPos += currFile.canvasSize[0] * 4;
context.putImageData(tempImage, 0, 0);
onDrag(mousePos, cursorTarget) {
onEnd(mousePos) {
onSelect() {
onDeselect() {