mirror of https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:57 +03:00

Minor code refactoring (naming)

This commit is contained in:
Badiboy 2020-04-24 18:19:30 +03:00
parent dab80d421b
commit 24e984adf8

View File

@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class TeleBot:
def process_new_updates(self, updates):
new_messages = []
edited_new_messages = []
new_edited_messages = []
new_channel_posts = []
new_edited_channel_posts = []
new_inline_querys = []
@ -314,7 +314,6 @@ class TeleBot:
new_polls = []
for update in updates:
@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ class TeleBot:
if update.message:
if update.edited_message:
if update.channel_post:
if update.edited_channel_post:
@ -344,8 +343,8 @@ class TeleBot:
logger.debug('Received {0} new updates'.format(len(updates)))
if len(new_messages) > 0:
if len(edited_new_messages) > 0:
if len(new_edited_messages) > 0:
if len(new_channel_posts) > 0:
if len(new_edited_channel_posts) > 0:
@ -414,7 +413,7 @@ class TeleBot:
while not self.__stop_polling.is_set():
self.polling(timeout=timeout, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
logger.info("Break infinity polling")
@ -638,6 +637,7 @@ class TeleBot:
:param reply_markup:
:param parse_mode:
:param disable_notification: Boolean, Optional. Sends the message silently.
:param timeout:
:return: API reply.
return types.Message.de_json(
@ -782,12 +782,14 @@ class TeleBot:
Use this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
:param chat_id: Integer : Unique identifier for the message recipient User or GroupChat id
:param data: InputFile or String : Animation to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend an animation that is already on the Telegram server
:param animation: InputFile or String : Animation to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend an animation that is already on the Telegram server
:param duration: Integer : Duration of sent video in seconds
:param caption: String : Animation caption (may also be used when resending animation by file_id).
:param parse_mode:
:param reply_to_message_id:
:param reply_markup:
:param disable_notification:
:param timeout:
return types.Message.de_json(
@ -1598,11 +1600,12 @@ class TeleBot:
def command_handle_document(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Document received, sir!')
# Handle all other commands.
# Handle all other messages.
@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True, content_types=['audio', 'photo', 'voice', 'video', 'document', 'text', 'location', 'contact', 'sticker'])
def default_command(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "This is the default command handler.")
:param commands: Optional list of strings (commands to handle).
:param regexp: Optional regular expression.
:param func: Optional lambda function. The lambda receives the message to test as the first parameter. It must return True if the command should handle the message.
:param content_types: This commands' supported content types. Must be a list. Defaults to ['text'].
@ -1874,20 +1877,20 @@ class TeleBot:
:param message:
for filter, filter_value in six.iteritems(message_handler['filters']):
for message_filter, filter_value in six.iteritems(message_handler['filters']):
if filter_value is None:
if not self._test_filter(filter, filter_value, message):
if not self._test_filter(message_filter, filter_value, message):
return False
return True
def _test_filter(filter, filter_value, message):
def _test_filter(message_filter, filter_value, message):
Test filters
:param filter:
:param message_filter:
:param filter_value:
:param message:
@ -1899,7 +1902,7 @@ class TeleBot:
'func': lambda msg: filter_value(msg)
return test_cases.get(filter, lambda msg: False)(message)
return test_cases.get(message_filter, lambda msg: False)(message)
def _notify_command_handlers(self, handlers, new_messages):