# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This bot was made specifically for the pyTelegramAPI Telegram chat, # and goes by the name 'TeleBot (@pyTeleBot)'. Join our group to talk to him! # WARNING: Tested with Python 2.7 import os import telebot text_messages = { 'welcome': u'Please welcome {name}!\n\n' u'This chat is intended for questions about and discussion of the pyTelegramBotAPI.\n' u'To enable group members to answer your questions fast and accurately, please make sure to study the ' u'project\'s documentation (https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI/blob/master/README.md) and the ' u'examples (https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI/tree/master/examples) first.\n\n' u'I hope you enjoy your stay here!', 'info': u'My name is TeleBot,\n' u'I am a bot that assists these wonderful bot-creating people of this bot library group chat.\n' u'Also, I am still under development. Please improve my functionality by making a pull request! ' u'Suggestions are also welcome, just drop them in this group chat!', 'wrong_chat': u'Hi there!\nThanks for trying me out. However, this bot can only be used in the pyTelegramAPI group chat.\n' u'Join us!\n\n' u'https://telegram.me/joinchat/067e22c60035523fda8f6025ee87e30b' } if "TELEBOT_BOT_TOKEN" not in os.environ or "GROUP_CHAT_ID" not in os.environ: raise AssertionError("Please configure TELEBOT_BOT_TOKEN and GROUP_CHAT_ID as environment variables") bot = telebot.AsyncTeleBot(os.environ["TELEBOT_BOT_TOKEN"]) GROUP_CHAT_ID = int(os.environ["GROUP_CHAT_ID"]) def is_api_group(chat_id): return chat_id == GROUP_CHAT_ID @bot.message_handler(func=lambda m: True, content_types=['new_chat_participant']) def on_user_joins(message): if not is_api_group(message.chat.id): return name = message.new_chat_participant.first_name if hasattr(message.new_chat_participant, 'last_name') and message.new_chat_participant.last_name is not None: name += u" {}".format(message.new_chat_participant.last_name) if hasattr(message.new_chat_participant, 'username') and message.new_chat_participant.username is not None: name += u" (@{})".format(message.new_chat_participant.username) bot.reply_to(message, text_messages['welcome'].format(name=name)) @bot.message_handler(commands=['info', 'help']) def on_info(message): if not is_api_group(message.chat.id): bot.reply_to(message, text_messages['wrong_chat']) return bot.reply_to(message, text_messages['info']) @bot.message_handler(commands=["ping"]) def on_ping(message): bot.reply_to(message, "Still alive and kicking!") @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def on_start(message): if not is_api_group(message.chat.id): bot.reply_to(message, text_messages['wrong_chat']) return def listener(messages): for m in messages: print(str(m)) bot.set_update_listener(listener) bot.infinity_polling()