from telebot import asyncio_filters from telebot.async_telebot import AsyncTeleBot # list of storages, you can use any storage from telebot.asyncio_storage import StateMemoryStorage # new feature for states. from telebot.asyncio_handler_backends import State, StatesGroup # default state storage is statememorystorage bot = AsyncTeleBot('TOKEN', state_storage=StateMemoryStorage()) # Just create different statesgroup class MyStates(StatesGroup): name = State() # statesgroup should contain states surname = State() age = State() # set_state -> sets a new state # delete_state -> delets state if exists # get_state -> returns state if exists @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) async def start_ex(message): """ Start command. Here we are starting state """ await bot.set_state(,, await bot.send_message(, 'Hi, write me a name') @bot.message_handler(state="*", commands='cancel') async def any_state(message): """ Cancel state """ await bot.send_message(, "Your state was cancelled.") await bot.delete_state(, @bot.message_handler( async def name_get(message): """ State 1. Will process when user's state is """ await bot.send_message(, f'Now write me a surname') await bot.set_state(, MyStates.surname, async with bot.retrieve_data(, as data: data['name'] = message.text @bot.message_handler(state=MyStates.surname) async def ask_age(message): """ State 2. Will process when user's state is MyStates.surname. """ await bot.send_message(, "What is your age?") await bot.set_state(, MyStates.age, async with bot.retrieve_data(, as data: data['surname'] = message.text # result @bot.message_handler(state=MyStates.age, is_digit=True) async def ready_for_answer(message): """ State 3. Will process when user's state is MyStates.age. """ async with bot.retrieve_data(, as data: await bot.send_message(, "Ready, take a look:\nName: {name}\nSurname: {surname}\nAge: {age}".format(name=data['name'], surname=data['surname'], age=message.text), parse_mode="html") await bot.delete_state(, #incorrect number @bot.message_handler(state=MyStates.age, is_digit=False) async def age_incorrect(message): """ Will process for wrong input when state is MyState.age """ await bot.send_message(, 'Looks like you are submitting a string in the field age. Please enter a number') # register filters bot.add_custom_filter(asyncio_filters.StateFilter(bot)) bot.add_custom_filter(asyncio_filters.IsDigitFilter()) import asyncio