""" This file is used by TeleBot.run_webhooks() & AsyncTeleBot.run_webhooks() functions. Flask/Aiohttp is required to run this script. """ flask_installed = True try: import flask from werkzeug.serving import _TSSLContextArg except ImportError: flask_installed = False from telebot.types import Update from typing import Optional class SyncWebhookListener: def __init__(self, bot, secret_token: str, host: Optional[str]="", port: Optional[int]=8000, ssl_context: Optional[_TSSLContextArg]=None, url_path: Optional[str]=None, debug: Optional[bool]=False ) -> None: """ Synchronous implementation of webhook listener for synchronous version of telebot. :param bot: TeleBot instance :param secret_token: Telegram secret token :param host: Webhook host :param port: Webhook port :param ssl_context: SSL context """ if not flask_installed: raise ImportError('Flask is not installed. Please install it via pip.') self.app = flask.Flask(__name__) self._secret_token = secret_token self._bot = bot self._port = port self._host = host self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._url_path = url_path self._debug = debug self._prepare_endpoint_urls() def _prepare_endpoint_urls(self): self.app.add_url_rule(self._url_path, 'index', self.process_update, methods=['POST']) def process_update(self): """ Processes updates. """ # header containsX-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token if flask.request.headers.get('X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token') != self._secret_token: # secret token didn't match flask.abort(403) if flask.request.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json': json_string = flask.request.get_data().decode('utf-8') self._bot.process_new_updates([Update.de_json(json_string)]) return '' flask.abort(403) def run_app(self): """ Run app with the given parameters. """ self.app.run( host=self._host, port=self._port, ssl_context=self._ssl_context, debug=self._debug ) return self