# pyTelegramBotAPI Python Telegram bot api. ## How to install * Install from source ``` $ git clone https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI.git $ cd pyTelegramBotAPI $ python setup.py install ``` * Install by pip ``` $ pip install pyTelegramBotAPI ``` ## Example * Send Message ```python import telebot TOKEN = '' tb = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN) # tb.send_message(chatid,message) print tb.send_message(281281, 'gogo power ranger') ``` * Echo Bot ```python import telebot import time TOKEN = '' def listener(*messages): """ When new message get will call this function. :param messages: :return: """ for m in messages: chatid = m.chat.id if m.content_type == 'text' text = m.text tb.send_message(chatid, text) tb = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN) tb.get_update() # cache exist message tb.set_update_listener(listener) #register listener tb.polling(3) while True: time.sleep(20) ``` ## TeleBot API usage ***NOTICE*** : getUpdates Message type only support text now. ```python import telebot import time TOKEN = '' tb = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN) #create new Telegram Bot object # getMe user = tb.get_me() # sendMessage tb.send_message(chatid, text) # forwardMessage # tb.forward_message(10894,926,3) tb.forward_message(to_chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id) # sendPhoto photo = open('/tmp/photo.png', 'rb') tb.send_photo(chat_id, photo) # sendAudio audio = open('/tmp/audio.ogg', 'rb') tb.send_audio(chat_id, audio) # sendDocument doc = open('/tmp/file.txt', 'rb') tb.send_document(chat_id, doc) # sendSticker sti = open('/tmp/sti.webp', 'rb') tb.send_sticker(chat_id, sti) # sendVideo video = open('/tmp/video.mp4', 'rb') tb.send_video(chat_id, video) # sendLocation tb.send_location(chat_id, lat, lon) # sendChatAction # action_string can be : typing,upload_photo,record_video,upload_video,record_audio,upload_audio,upload_document, # find_location. tb.send_chat_action(chat_id, action_string) ``` ## Message notifier * Define listener function ```python def listener1(*messages): for m in messages: chatid = m.chat.id if m.content_type == 'text' text = m.text tb.send_message(chatid, text) ``` * Use ***set_update_listener*** method to add listener function to telebot. * Start polling or call get_update(). If get new updates, telebot will call listener and pass messages to listener. * use Message's content_type attribute to check message type. Now Message support content_type: * text * audio * document * photo * sticker * video * location ## TODO - [x] getMe - [x] sendMessage - [x] forwardMessage - [x] sendPhoto - [x] sendAudio - [x] sendDocument - [x] sendSticker - [x] sendVideo - [x] sendLocation - [ ] sendChatAction - [ ] getUserProfilePhotos - [ ] getUpdates