#!/usr/bin/python # This example shows how to implement i18n (internationalization) l10n (localization) to create # multi-language bots with middleware handler. # # Note: For the sake of simplicity of this example no extra library is used. However, it is recommended to use # better i18n systems (gettext and etc) for handling multilingual translations. # This is not a working, production-ready sample and it is highly recommended not to use it in production. # # In this example let's imagine we want to introduce localization or internationalization into our project and # we need some global function to activate the language once and to use that language in all other message # handler functions for not repeatedly activating it. # The middleware (i18n and l10n) is explained: import telebot from telebot import apihelper apihelper.ENABLE_MIDDLEWARE = True TRANSLATIONS = { 'hello': { 'en': 'hello', 'ru': 'привет', 'uz': 'salom' } } _lang = 'en' def activate(lang): global _lang _lang = lang def _(string): return TRANSLATIONS[string][_lang] bot = telebot.TeleBot('TOKEN') @bot.middleware_handler(update_types=['message']) def activate_language(bot_instance, message): activate(message.from_user.language_code) @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def start(message): bot.send_message(message.chat.id, _('hello')) bot.infinity_polling()