import copy class StateStorageBase: def __init__(self) -> None: pass async def set_data(self, chat_id, user_id, key, value): """ Set data for a user in a particular chat. """ raise NotImplementedError async def get_data(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Get data for a user in a particular chat. """ raise NotImplementedError async def set_state(self, chat_id, user_id, state): """ Set state for a particular user. ! Note that you should create a record if it does not exist, and if a record with state already exists, you need to update a record. """ raise NotImplementedError async def delete_state(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Delete state for a particular user. """ raise NotImplementedError async def reset_data(self, chat_id, user_id): """ Reset data for a particular user in a chat. """ raise NotImplementedError async def get_state(self, chat_id, user_id): raise NotImplementedError async def save(chat_id, user_id, data): raise NotImplementedError class StateContext: """ Class for data. """ def __init__(self, obj, chat_id, user_id): self.obj = obj = None self.chat_id = chat_id self.user_id = user_id async def __aenter__(self): = copy.deepcopy(await self.obj.get_data(self.chat_id, self.user_id)) return async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return await, self.user_id,